Sunday, August 31, 2014

As banks enter into small tomatoes, cover with boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, drain the water.

Delicious recipes with tomatoes | Dawn - News Dnipropetrovsk and the region with 1917
News News News city region state administration Vlast Oblast Council of Cabinet Glavnoye Ratings Economy DAWN Agricultural Prices People Osobыy The case of passion Society Veterans Prydneprovya SECURITY kazhdogo History of Medicine and zdorovie Orthodoxy Leisure Culture Detyam recepty Sport About us About us History Contacts newspaper "Dawn" Advertise Realyzatoram
Summer - it's time to harvest cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant and, of course, tomatoes. They contain a lot of vitamin C, rich in carotene, folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, potassium, sodium and iron. Tomatoes bleach useful to use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, widely bleach used in clinical nutrition.
Cucumbers, bleach tomatoes, peppers, onions, zucchini slice, carrot grate. All mix and put to cook for 10 minutes (after boiling). Add 1 h. Spoon 70 percent vinegar and cook for another 5 minutes. In hot expanded into jars and roll.
In 2-quart tomatoes - 2 kg Garlic - 2-3 cloves, vinegar - 1 hour. Liter. The brine: water - 1 liter salt - 2 tbsp. l. slides without sugar - 6 tablespoons. l. with a small slide and pepper - 7 nuts, cloves - 7 pcs., black currant - a few leaves, dill - 2 small umbrellas.
With tomatoes cut stalk. Insert into each tomato slice garlic cloves and put in jars. Pour the boiling water and let stand 10 minutes. Prepare the brine by connecting all components. Boil for 10 minutes. Then drain the water from the jars and pour immediately boiling bleach brine. Each bank add a teaspoon of vinegar. Close sterilized lids. Flip, wrap and let stand to cool.
In the water add all the cooked spices, bleach salt and sugar. Bring to a boil, add the vinegar. In the boiling brine put the prepared vegetables and omit the bank without touching hands. Umbrellas of fennel and other spices as well, without affecting the hands, invest in banks, helping himself only forks, spoons. bleach Fill with boiling brine, close banks.
Pepper cut into 5-6 pieces lengthwise. Tomato paste in tins, shifting pepper. Pour the boiling water, cover the lid and leave for 20 hvylyn.Vodu drain in pan, add salt, sugar, bring to a boil. Let stand for 5 minutes. and pour vinegar, stir and this marinade immediately pour the tomatoes. Roll, turn and wrap.
Tomatoes - 5 kg, red bell pepper - 5-7 pcs. Onion - 5 goal., Salt - 3 tbsp. l., sugar - 0.5 kg, 9 percent VH e t - 100 g cinnamon - 1 hour. liter., cloves - 5 pcs., ground black pepper - 1 hour. liter.
Pepper cut into 4 pieces. In tomatoes, remove stem. Onions cut into 4 pieces. Make everything into a large saucepan bleach and cook over medium heat for three hours, stirring occasionally. Add sugar and spices and cook for another three hours, stirring occasionally. Pour ketchup into sterile jars and roll.
At quart: Tomatoes - 1 kg. Marinade: bleach Water - 1 liter VTS is t 9 percent - 100 g, salt - 3 hours. Liter., Sugar - 2.5 c. l., mustard seeds - 1 tsp. liter., allspice - 7-10 peas, bay leaf - 2 pcs.
As banks enter into small tomatoes, cover with boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, drain the water. Marinade: bleach all ingredients are added to boiling water and let boil 3 minutes more. Until Drain marinade should already be ready. Stick to the walls of the cans 2 bay leaves and fill with marinade, bleach until that came out of the jar. Immediately tighten sterilized lids and turn to cool.
Solid small tomatoes - 3 kg, mild tomato juice - 3 kg, black pepper - 8 pcs., Dill and parsley - 2 sprigs, sugar at the rate of 1 hour. Liter. 1 liter juice, salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. 1 liter of juice.
Greens wash and finely chop. Tomato juice coarsely chop and place in a saucepan. Bring to a boil tomatoes, then add the greens bleach and stirring occasionally, cook over low heat for 20 minutes until the tomatoes are soft. In cooked tomato pomace weight should be separated from the juice by means of a sieve. Fine chop the tomatoes with a fork so that when they cracked conservation. Firmly conclude tomatoes bleach in sterilized jars, add 2 pieces. pepper, pour boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes. Tomato juice again bring to a boil, add sugar, salt and mix. Then take turns with each pour water jars, pour tomato juice, cover and roll. Banks turn, wrap and leave to cool.
Green Tomatoes - 4 kg, salt, sugar - 1 cup, currant leaves, bay leaves - 5., Cloves - 10 pcs., Ground black pepper - 20 pcs., Sweet pepper - 0.5 kg carrots - 1 kg onion - 1 goal., root parsley - 300 g butter - 300-400 g
Slice the green tomatoes slices. Onions cut into rings, sweet pepper - julienne, carrots and parsley root grate. Vegetables make in a container, pour salt to taste and leave for 10 to

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Eggplant mars - 3 pcs. The sauce: sour cream (or yogurt) - 200 g garlic - 1 tooth at a, parsley - 0

Recipes of delicious dishes with eggplant | Dawn - News Dnipropetrovsk mars and the region with 1917
News News News city region state administration Vlast Oblast Council of Cabinet Glavnoye Ratings Economy DAWN Agricultural Prices People Osobыy The case of passion Society Veterans Prydneprovya SECURITY kazhdogo History of Medicine and zdorovie Orthodoxy Leisure Culture Detyam recepty Sport About us About us History Contacts mars newspaper "Dawn" Advertise Realyzatoram
Pectic substances have antibacterial mars properties, enhance the removal of harmful substances and phenols and anthocyanins prevent the development of tumors, reduce cholesterol. Special healing properties has solanine. This substance produces anti-sclerotic effect, reduces capillary fragility. mars
Eggplant mars - 3 pcs. The sauce: sour cream (or yogurt) - 200 g garlic - 1 tooth at a, parsley - 0.5 bundles, salt, pepper mixture. Salsa: tomatoes - 3 pcs., Onion - 1 goal., Chili - 1 pc., Olive oil - 20 grams, salt, pepper mixture.
Eggplant cut into two pieces with a knife to make the mesh in the pulp and send in a preheated oven. Bake eggplant for about 30 minutes. Finely chop the parsley, mix sour cream, squeeze out garlic, add pepper and salt. For tomato salsa finely chopped tomatoes, onions and chili, mix it with oil. Add salt and pepper. Eggplant partially exempt mars from the pulp and dump half cream sauce, half the salsa. The pulp can be used for vegetable salad.
Eggplant cut in half lengthwise, spoon choose pulp to form boat. Boil them in salted water for 5-10 minutes. Dry and grease with vegetable oil. The flesh of eggplants and onions finely and potushkuvaty in butter for 10 minutes. Then add the ground beef, salt and pepper and mix well. The received weight stuff eggplant, put the slices chopped tomatoes and bake in preheated oven on a greased sheet 20-30 min., Then anoint sour cream or mayonnaise. Sprinkle with grated cheese and parsley. Put in the oven for another 10 minutes.
Eggplant - 500 g eggs - 2 pcs., Parmesan cheese mars - 30 g bread crumbs - 1 tbsp. l., thyme - 0.5 h. liter. garlic - 1 clove, olive oil, water, salt and parsley. For harniruvannya: pasta - 200 g Tomato sauce: tomatoes - 3 pcs., Onion - 1 goal. Garlic - 1 clove, salt and pepper.
Eggplant cut into medium size cubes, salt and let stand 30 minutes., To get a bitter taste. In heated mars oil fry the garlic, add the eggplant, thyme, a little water and stew until tender. Protusheni chop eggplant puree. Add shabby parmesan, breadcrumbs, egg, parsley, mix well. Portion lubricate molds with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Share with eggplant puree. Bake at 200 C for 30 minutes. After 10-15 minutes dostaty from molds, place in center of plates, circular Share pasta with tomato sauce. For tomato sauce, fry the onion and garlic until transparent, add the grated mars tomatoes worn without skin. Add salt and pepper, protushyty few minutes, chop into sauce, add the pasta.
Prepared steamed peppers in hot water a few minutes, sit in a colander. Prepare stuffing: cut eggplant mars into cubes and fry in butter margarine, add chopped onion and grated mars carrot. Boil the rice. All ingredients mixed with cooked meat. There also throw a spoonful of tomato paste. Dump peppers, put in form or in a frying pan and cover with water, mixed with sour cream and spoon tomato. Put in the oven at 180-200 C for 40 minutes.
Eggplant pierce in several places. Bake in a preheated 200 C oven for 30-40 minutes (until mars soft), periodically turn. Then clean under running water and discard in a colander to drain excess juice. Onions and peppers diced garlic - plates. Saute in heated oil until transparent and spicy aroma of garlic. Add mushrooms, diced (slices) and fry quickly in intense heat for evaporation of the liquid. Share on pan diced eggplant. Quickly mars fry. Add salt and pepper and mix well. Remove from heat and add chopped parsley. Cool. In a hot pan fry the sesame seeds without mars adding oil. Serve snack, sprinkled with sesame seeds and parsley.
Eggplant cut into thin strips, add salt and leave for 15 minutes., Rinse with water. Zucchini and cut into strips. With eggs, salt and pepper, garlic strangled make batter. Cheese rub on a small grater, Mix with breadcrumbs. Each vegetable brusochek Makati in batter and obvalyuvaty in breadcrumbs and cheese. Place on greased parchment. mars Bake in a well-heated oven 20-25 minutes.
Eggplant slices, season with salt and leave for 30 minutes. Julienne cut peppers and onions, grated carrots, prepare hot peppers and garlic. Tomatoes oshparyty kypyatkom and peel. Saute onions, peppers and carrots. Add diced tomatoes, then garlic and herbs, hot peppers. Add salt and pepper, cover and about

Thursday, August 28, 2014

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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Pepper cleaned dead space 3 from the core. In a pot of water add 1 tbsp. l. salt from the top. When

Recipes delicious Pepper | Dawn - News Dnipropetrovsk and the region with 1917
News News News city region state administration Vlast Oblast Council of Cabinet Glavnoye Ratings Economy DAWN Agricultural Prices People dead space 3 Osobыy The case of passion Society Veterans Prydneprovya SECURITY kazhdogo History of Medicine and zdorovie Orthodoxy Leisure Culture Detyam recepty dead space 3 Sport About us About us History Contacts newspaper "Dawn" Advertise Realyzatoram
Pepper is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C (not inferior lemon and blackcurrant). Enough to eat a small piece of raw peppers, only 30-40 grams to meet the daily requirement of this vitamin in humans. In addition, the fruits of pepper is rich in carotene and rutin. In medicine, rutin used as a means of strengthening the walls of blood capillaries. The fruits also contain vitamins B1, B2 and E. But they need to use caution, especially in diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys, because they have a lot of essential dead space 3 oils and coarse fiber.
At the bottom of the banks put black and sweet pepper, bay leaf, cut into 4 pieces and onion can also add dill. Then put the chopped pepper, sprinkle the top salt, sugar, pour the vinegar. Pour cold water. Sterilize 15-20 minutes. Roll.
Mushrooms add water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Ready to wash mushrooms. Onions and peppers chopped: onion - half rings and pepper - as you like. Vegetables separately fry in vegetable oil until soft. Then mix with mushrooms, salt, add vinegar, add the sweet pepper and simmer for 40 minutes. Hot salad expanded into jars, cover with lids and sterilize 0.5 liter - 20 minutes, roll.
Eggplant - 3 kg, sweet pepper - 300 g carrots - 300 g onion - 300 g garlic - 3 medium head. Marinade: boiling water - 1 gl., Oil - 0.5 gl. Vinegar - 1 gl., Sugar - 5 cc. l. (No slides), salt - 1 tbsp. l. (Slide).
Eggplant peel, cut into strips and fry until golden brown. Add pepper, cut into strips, carrots, grated Korean, onions, chopped half rings, garlic, squeezed through the frog. Mix and pour over the marinade. Arrange in 0.5-liter jars, sterelizuvaty 20 minutes roll.
Pepper cut into four parts. Tomatoes grind. Add salt, oil, sugar and vinegar. Cook for 25-30 minutes. dead space 3 In quart throw 2 cloves of garlic, a branch of parsley, bay leaf. Sterilize 15 minutes.
Tomatoes - 3 kg, garlic - 200 g salad red pepper - 500 g onion - 500 g apples - 500 g carrots - 500 g sugar - 100 grams Capsicum hot peppers - 5 pcs., Oil - 0.5 l, salt - 1 tbsp. l. of the slide.
Eggplant cut along and across. Pepper, garlic and crushed tomatoes blender. Add vinegar, salt, sugar and oil. Add chopped eggplant and put on fire, bring to boil and cook for 15-20 minutes. Arrange the cooked eggplant into sterilized jars and sealed.
Tomatoes and pepper grind, grate the apples and carrots, add salt and cook on low heat for 2 hours. Then add the oil, vinegar and mayonnaise. Cook for another hour. 20 minutes. before the end of cooking, add the garlic and hot milled dead space 3 pepper. Sterilize 0.5-liter jars for 15 minutes.
Crumble cabbage, cut into strips of peppers, onions and diced tomatoes pieces. Fold in vegetables pan, add salt, sugar, vinegar, oil, Stir and cook for 1 hour., Gently stirring. Banks prosterelizuvaty. Arrange lettuce and close.
Pepper cleaned dead space 3 from the core. In a pot of water add 1 tbsp. l. salt from the top. When the water boils, blanch peppers for 5 minutes, then lay in banks. In each 3-quart pour 75 g 9% vinegar, pour boiling water and sterilized for 15 minutes. Roll.
Cucumbers and onions cut into thin slices (pivkruzhaltsyamy) pepper dead space 3 - julienne. The ingredients dead space 3 for the marinade and mix to boil. When boiled, add the onion and cook for five minutes, then pepper, cook another couple of minutes. Then add the cucumber, pomishaty. Cucumbers have a boil, then cook them too until become yellowish and slightly transparent. At the end there throw garlic. Then the hot salad folded into small jars (to liters) and sterilized for about 5 minutes. Squashed.
Cabbage - 3 kg carrots - 1 kg, bell pepper (red) - 1 kg onions - 600 g root and parsley - 100 g butter - 450 ml vinegar (5%) - 200 ml, salt and sugar - 100 g sweet pepper and bay leaf - 10 pcs.
Nashynkovaty cabbage, chopped onion, pepper and carrot sticks. Grind the root and parsley. dead space 3 Vegetables pour salt, add vinegar and stir. The oil is heated to 120 C, 10 minutes and withstand oholodity. Put spices in jars, pour oil, put the vegetables. Sterilize jars for 20 minutes, roll.
Cooked beets grate on large holes or crumble. Tomatoes dead space 3 grind in a meat grinder and 20 min. boil. Sweet pepper grinder and grind to potushkuvaty oil. Cut the onion and fry well. Grate carrots

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

So that Merleau-Ponty does: often begins with a description of the experiment, or gives an introduc

This is a compilation of my posts about Merleau-Ponty written in the autumn of 2013. though I am not a specialist on Merleau-Ponty, but I think that even these "light" a few texts are very important because of this phenomenal philosopher on the Internet in Ukrainian almost nothing, despite several years ago, translated into Ukrainian (!!!) both his most important work. (For those translations can not say anything, I have them in hand not holding.) If you suddenly something with this interest - say, I interrupted this series only because of the lack of readers, but gladly extended to these posts, if have suddenly found someone willing of Merleau-Ponty to read and talk about it. So there you go! How to read Merleau-Ponty, chief keef recipes from Sam. # 1
My Sam (former "supervisor") was one of the first in the English-speaking world who really started chief keef to seriously understand Merleau-Ponty, to him more or less were considered, in spite of the almost total boycott by his academic industry, and in this industry it says a lot. When Sam did his doctorate in Toronto uni, of Merleau-Ponty here, few even heard to say that to talk about it. Sam was lucky that his head huserlianets Pitersma Sam agreed to subject, though he seems never particularly Merleau-Ponty not understand. Sam published his book dyser in 79 (just when I was born), and still refer to it. I was lucky to be once a year on his graduate course on Merleau-Ponty (this is my first year mahisterky was - very vivid impression :)), then twice a year to date on the method in which Merleau-Ponty was probably about 50% of the net time and about three or four semester courses to-aspiranstskyh about the same. That's not counting all sorts of different courses of Heidegger and Nietzsche, where Merleau-Ponty also briefly mentioned chief keef at least for comparison. Well, plus many hours of personal conversations - for dinner, transport, and the "official" meetings about my writings.
1 Phenomenological texts so saturated ("thick with meaning" - Sam loved this phrase Merleau-Ponty) that they fully understand the first, second, or even twenty times impossible. Even Sam every year completely re-reading "Phenomenology of Perception" chief keef in the process of preparation for teaching, for thirty-odd years, the last time there was something new, and said, "You chief keef know, I realized for the first time this year, this is like this." Together so these texts as the world they are trying to understand and convey, with many "inputs" or "portal" sites and is not a big deal, through which one will you go to the text, just to go.
Therefore vinradyv first diagonal re-read the text and then go back and learn, but learn from not one of those places where nothing is clear, but rather from those where it is clear that something, safely passing completely dark place. That is, find the door that opened to you specifically and concretely now, and go through them.
It is also for all of their courses prepared detailed "keys" - what to skip, what to see, what to read carefully (2-3), and study the (and the keys have changed slightly each year, depending on which way it is chose that particular year., for student presentations he gave usually somewhere on the page and a half of the text, which said select no more than half a page, and ideally - 5-6 lines, and text to make a tiny fragment hermeneutics., for he himself Each class had prepared "Maps & Directions" - that he would like to "cover", though they are often changed in the process. How to read Merleau-Ponty, recipes from Sam. # 2 (the link is no comments)
The second thing that Sam gave to his students after class schedules of key importance - a list of "dialectics" in "Phenomenology of Perception". In Merleau-Ponty dialectical manner of presentation, which means that before express their position, it first examines in detail the position of "the game", and the position of the opponent should be taken hyper-seriously, more seriously than his own, and to take it so that as much as possible understand it, to then be able to criticize it "inside" and not from outside. Opponents Merleau-Ponty chief keef - on the one hand empirysty the other - idealists, they are rationalists - and philosophers, and psychologists and scientists, Merleau-Ponty scholar such that ohoho. Partial allies - Heidegger (there are whole pages perepovidannya useful things with Heidegger, and many of his terminology), perhaps a little Scheler, Binsvanґer, ґeshtaltysty.
So that Merleau-Ponty does: often begins with a description of the experiment, or gives an introduction to what will be discussed. Then teaches the position of the first opponents (often starts with empirystiv) and as they explain chief keef what happens (sometimes this dialectic takes whole pages, preferably somewhere between half a page and a half, and cha

Monday, August 25, 2014

Recipes Home Baking Desserts, Dishes with cream flour pancakes, muffins Soups Main dishes Fish Meat

Recipes Home Baking Desserts, Dishes with cream flour pancakes, muffins Soups Main dishes Fish Meat Dishes Poultry Salads and snacks Conservation Site Information Feedback
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Beaten egg whites, gradually add sugar. When all is well zib'yetsya, add coconut and nuts and mix gently. Dry with a minimum temperature to become hard. For Pie must do two of meringue.
Knock yolks with sugar, milk, bring to a boil and pour, stirring, until the yolks. A lot to put on a small fire, bring to boil, mix to not burnt. Mass Cool to room temperature. Butter, room temperature and knock down one spoon to add to it a lot.
And finally, information from the "sweet sponsor": Online store tea and coffee "Aromisto" offers a wide range of original and flavored coffee and tea mixes, and other gadgets for tea and coffee crops at reasonable prices. minecraft mods
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Significant bonus each casseroles - is it cheese or vegetables, or any other - to save time and eas

Recipes Home Baking Desserts, Dishes with cream flour pancakes, muffins Soups Main dishes Fish Meat Dishes Poultry Salads and snacks Conservation Site Information Feedback
Significant bonus each casseroles - is it cheese or vegetables, or any other - to save time and ease of preparation. Confused, zendaya poured into a form, put baked - done :). If anyone of you is too loves sharing the recipe casserole with zucchini, recently read in some magazine while waiting for the bus.
I tried it for a long time, until the combination of flavors was able to understand all of these ingredients. This is quite an interesting dish, very tender (due to eggs), a bit of sweet and sour flavor of the cheese. And this casserole with zucchini not too well keeps the shape, so it must impose quite carefully.
Originally Cooking zucchini cut into thin slices young (at a special grater). I have no pre-clean. Then add to the zucchini cream cheese, it is very sticky)). Add the mixture to the beaten eggs, minced dill (if there is, because I was not) and spices. Put the mixture to form a pre-lubricated with grease and bake at 180-200 degrees for 45-50 hv.Ya afraid that stick casserole and put foil. So, I think that she's clearly excessive. For 15 minutes. until cooked as desired delay casserole with grated cheese - will be even better. But without cheese too cool and less calories. Bon Appetit! Online store tea and coffee "Aromisto" offers a wide range of original and flavored coffee and tea mixes, and other gadgets for tea and coffee crops at reasonable zendaya prices.
You can use XHTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title = ""> <acronym title = ""> <b> <blockquote cite = ""> <cite> <code> zendaya <del datetime = ""> <em> <i> <q cite = ""> <strike> <strong>
Categories Cooking Tips (1) Recipe (157) Baking (31) Desserts, Creams (3) Kids Recipes (24) Main courses (61) Meat (13) dishes vegetables (11) Poultry Dishes (14) Fish (9) Conservation (6) Songs dishes (59) Abstinence (23) Soups (15) Salads and snacks (30) Food of flour, pancakes, muffins (12) Articles zendaya (3) Katrusin kitchen Broccoli Chicken fillet and cheese salad with zucchini, feta, tomatoes and olives cucumber salad with bell pepper and turmeric commercial zendaya break :) Plyatsok "Orchid" Baked zucchini young liver pate invite to cooperation Greek salad with cherries Puff tag cloud
Easter Meat Salads poppy workshop mastic pancakes zucchini carrot cabbage potato bean burgers chicken chicken zendaya liver pate paste pancakes plyatsok tomatoes beet cake pumpkin dumplings served with mushrooms nuts goose frozen vegetables snack soup green bean cucumbers fish rice cheese pasta salad pork soup apple pie spinach mushrooms

Saturday, August 23, 2014

ij!. +. , ...

If you personally had not really cook, and home donuts, oh how I want to, you can contact a good ag

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Donuts loved by almost all, it's - indeed perfectly delicious pastries. When they are fresh, fragrant and lush - it's xbox 720 something special, and believe me, by this no one can resist. There are many varieties of donuts. With filling and without, with fondant, icing and powder, it can be-Berliner xbox 720 donuts or donuts with a round hole. Did you know that the first Friday of summer in the United States officially declared the Day of donut? In this country, this kind of pastries just love and that they took real "American," you should know a few secrets.
For their preparation required skillet or deep fryer, although, in principle, can approach any pan or pan with high bumpers and a thick head. Dough for donuts yeast has to be cool, well podoshedshym, and inside you can lay any stuffing. Oil should be up - donuts have literally swim in it, because deep-frying temperature should always be maintained high even if you lay a new batch of donuts. The oil is heated to 180 degrees, otherwise donuts absorbed too much fat. When the donuts are cooked, they should always turn for even baking. Finally, the donuts are ready to express the fryer need to sieve for draining excess oil. Then, when they are pretty cool, you can decorate your favorite way.
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Friday, August 22, 2014

Grate carrots and stew in milk in another border collie pan. Steamed vegetables mix, add semolina a

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Many of us think that burgers have always existed and about in a form in which there are now. In fact, in its own chops, and sometimes difficult history ... Although there were burgers not so long ago. Considered their homeland France.
The name reflects the original form patties, which was a piece of beef fried podovhastyy. Most of the piece was first ribs, those closer to the head. And then ate burgers border collie hands, because in the bone would keep her comfortable.
After the French were put in separate bone chops and meat separately, as if following the historical tradition. This turned edge double layer reflected beef, less pork.
You will need:
The remaining pieces of fillet recapture well on both sides with salt and pepper, put them stuffing, form patties, roll in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in a pan with oil, give reach to simmer with the lid on. When serving, sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley.
Grate carrots and stew in milk in another border collie pan. Steamed vegetables mix, add semolina and with continuous stirring to hold heat for about 10 minutes. Cool, add egg, form patties, border collie roll in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in butter.
Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel, mince together with fish fillets and onions, add the butter, flour, egg yolk, salt and pepper, to form patties, grease egg white, roll in bread crumbs and fry in a pan with vegetable oil.
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Thursday, August 21, 2014

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Apple put in an enamel pan as tightly as possible tails up. Leaves of black currant and cherry tran

Conservation delicious recipes with apples | Dawn - News Dnipropetrovsk and the region with 1917
News News News city region state administration Vlast Oblast Council igre 123 of Cabinet Glavnoye Ratings Economy DAWN Agricultural Prices People Osobыy The case of passion Society Veterans Prydneprovya SECURITY kazhdogo History of Medicine and zdorovie Orthodoxy Leisure Culture Detyam recepty Sport About us About us History Contacts newspaper "Dawn" Advertise Realyzatoram
The composition of apples includes almost all known vitamins, carotene, minerals, organic acids. They will help get rid of extra pounds. T OJ vain over the world know the proverb: "He who eats an apple a day, the doctor does not happen. Today we have selected igre 123 for you the recipes which can be cooked apples for the winter.
Chop cabbage. Grate carrots and add with salt to cabbage. Gently stir, especially not rubbing cabbage hands. At the bottom igre 123 of the container to put cabbage leaves on top - of shatkovanoyi cabbage igre 123 with carrots, compacted. Then put a layer of coarsely chopped cabbage and whole apples in a row. Again, a number of coarsely chopped cabbage. And to the very top of the container to fill cabbage. Compacted to give cabbage juice. Top cover cabbage leaves. Cover with oppression and leave capacity cabbage for 3 days at room temperature. Every day you need to poke a wooden stick to the bottom of the banks that went gases produced during fermentation. Then make sauerkraut with apples in the cold.
Apple put in an enamel pan as tightly as possible tails up. Leaves of black currant and cherry translate apples in a saucepan. To fill put water on the fire, add salt, honey, cloves and cinnamon. Prove fill to a boil, remove foam, turn off fire, cool 15 minutes, and pour pouring hot apples. It is necessary to fill completely cover them. Cover with a plate of apples. Leave the pan with apples for 3 days at room temperature, so they wander a bit, and then make the cold. After 1.5-2 months Pickled apples are ready.
Apples cut into large pieces, put in a pan, add a little water and boil until apples igre 123 are tender. Then rub them through a sieve. The resulting puree boil with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add pumpkin puree, juice of half a lemon, boil for another 5-10 minutes, spread into sterilized jars and close kryshkamy.Oholodzhuvaty backwards.
Plums split in half, remove pit. Apples cut into 4 pieces. Fill in fruit jars almost half. Boil water, pour over fruit. Cover the jars and leave for 15 minutes. Drain the water from the cans. Cook the syrup by adding sugar to water and boil for 3 minutes. Pour fruit syrup. Compote immediately roll and wrap to cool.
Small apples can be used intact. Large cut into 4 pieces. During the processing of sliced apples keep in acidified water, so they do not dim. Lemon slice. In boiling water dissolve sugar syrup boil for 2-3 minutes. Apples and lemon slices rozklastyv jars, pour hot syrup, cover and sterilize 8 minutes. Hermetically igre 123 roll.
To fill in boiling water to dissolve the honey and salt and cool. Small apples put in jars, pour fill, close polyethylene lids keep the cold. Optionally, you can put in jars lemon balm, mint, oregano, red berries and cassis, raspberry, sea buckthorn and rowan, and some water to replace the apple juice.
Apple peel peel and core, pour apple juice with sugar and pasteurized. Apples can pour the juice of other fruits and berries. Sterilized jars covered with lids: 0.5-liter jars - 10-15 minutes, igre 123 liter - 15-20 minutes. Banks roll.
Boil syrup with aromatic spices. Apples cut into 4-8 pieces and drop to 5-7 minutes in boiling syrup. Then shift the apples in jars on a hanger, pour the hot syrup and pasteurized at 95 C: liter jars - 20 minutes, 2-liter - 30 minutes, 3-liter - 45 minutes. Roll.
Apples cut, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then lay in banks, previously added (at quart) allspice, clove bud, cinnamon. Then pour the marinade and sterilized for 10-12 minutes, then roll up.
Prepare igre 123 the marinade: minced garlic, parsley, paprika, add water, vinegar, add salt, sugar, oil and bring to a boil. Lower in marinade apples. Boil for 15 minutes, stirring igre 123 gently and frequently. Then quickly expanded into jars and roll covers.
Fruit peel from the skin and seeds and cut into cubes. With the help of lemon grater to remove the zest, squeeze out the juice. In a saucepan put fruit, add sugar, cinnamon sticks and vanilla, add lemon juice. igre 123 Stir, bring to a boil and boil for a few minutes. Then reduce igre 123 the heat to low and cook for another 45-50 minutes. Spread mixture into jars, cover.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Prykormochna einstein mixture in dry form: prykormochna moistened mixture: Released nutritious bait

Library Tackle Spinning tackle feeder fishing fishing float method for Bait Fishing Videos Fishing Inset spinning einstein fishing catfish Making News kinds of fish pike perch Trout .asp Equipment Seasons
Finally decided to systematize the knowledge gained in the preparation of homemade prykormochnyh mixture einstein and bring different formulations for a particular fish. The mixture, which applied previously, was a kind of universal, but, to understand in the use of bait, I realized that the selection of mixtures for specific types of fish you can achieve even more impressive einstein results. In the end it turned out to start three blends: roach-krasnopirka, crucian carp, and bream.
The most important tool in preparing bait mixture is a food processor, the kit comprising coffee grinder and attachments that help get the various components of a large or small fraction. Roach-krasnopirka Waffles, milled in fines - 500 grams
Butter Cookies, milled in fines - 500 g Breadcrumbs Rye - 1kg Oat flour (biscuit) - 1 kg Wheat bran (highest grade) - 1 kg Corn grits - 500 grams Popcorn (caramel), milled in fines - 250 grams Milk - 250 grams coconut - 250 grams of dry bread soup - 250 grams
Prykormochna mixture in dry form: prykormochna moistened mixture: Released prykormochna mixture which, falling into the water immediately begins to work. Type of bait balls after a minute einstein in water: Type of bait balls after three minutes in the water: It is seen that almost collapsed bait on the bottom, and some prykormochnoyi mixture gradually rose up. This work will be good bait to lure fish such as roach and krasnopirka who prefer kormytysya not on the bottom, and bottom layers. Carp, crucian Oatmeal cookies, einstein milled in fines - 1 kg Biscuits taste of warm milk, milled in fines - 500 grams fried peanuts, milled in fines - 500 g Breadcrumbs White - 1 kg Corn flour - 1 kg Corn grits - 1.5 kg of flakes with different cereals (wheat, oat, corn) in milled coarse fraction - 1 kg
Prykormochna einstein mixture in dry form: prykormochna moistened mixture: Released nutritious bait fairly large faction that has a nice yellow color, which attracts a large fish it. Type of bait balls after a minute in water: FOR bream feeding oatmeal cookies, milled einstein in a small fraction - 1 kg rye Breadcrumbs - 1 kg Oat flour (biscuit) - 1 kg Corn flour - 500 grams corn grits - 1 kg of cocoa powder einstein - 500 grams of fried sunflower seeds, einstein milled in the middle fraction - 500 grams
Bait in dry form: prykormochna moistened mixture: Released prykormochna nutritious blend that begins to work immediately, but gradually, which leads to a long-term starter zakorm and not bother bream frequent perezabrosamy. Type of bait balls after a minute in the water: einstein The above recipes pidhodovuvalnyh mixtures with a mild odor, which is enough to attract the fish in cold water. With warming water for the improvement of the mixture in which it is superfluous to add different flavors and is a vast field for experimentation. Pohozhye article: 2012

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

After some problems encountered in recent times, we are pleased to announce that we now have our ow

Single Bet (3/7): The Irish stubbornness against the edge of Chafnarfiontour |
Extremely interesting match of the league champion in the Faroe Islands with rival Glenavon from Northern Ireland, which two months ago won the cup back home after such a good finale to the championship. At first glance, the hosts have a clear lead but not with such low prices for the item "1" even if there is a difference in fighting readiness. We like to see more prices for handicap guests (2) in (1.65) by Novibet and prices Goal / Goal which is on offer in (2.00) by Betfred.
What is 2 + 2?
After some problems encountered in recent times, we are pleased to announce that we now have our own server and we can be with you again stronger and more apt to 'fight' against the book. Good luck and health to all.
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MENU BETTING NEWS ONLY POINT SYSTEM DAY Uncategorized Latest articles Single Bet (19/8): Looking th

World Cup: first derby Latina color at the start of the knockout tournament |
Two classic Latin American derby opens the curtain of the second phase of the World Cup. Brazil has the advantage of platform has a better quality against Chile but as shown in the first three games of the need to correct some basic information in order to claim the trophy. As for Chile, was left out of the competition on world champions Spain. He has passion, strength and good chemistry as a team in order to resist. it is certain that it will try to push the fast break looking.
The Maracana stadium Lay Uruguay and Colombia. Two groups of common elements and differences in mentality face such pressures. More robust set of Colombians if they go into possession game is sure to find easier ways to enter the box. As for Uruguay, it came under attack disciplinary institutions mainly because of the incident in the game against Italy where Soares bitten by Chiellini. However, it is one with experienced players able to get what he wants, provided of course giving substance to the game. The prospect qualification goodgame Colombia has better value in (1.57) and the Betfred Coralbet where the best value qualifying for Brazil in (1.33) and if the fight goes to the extension, the "X" get better price in (3.50) by Bet365

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After some problems encountered in recent times, we are pleased goodgame to announce that we now have our own server and we can be with you again stronger goodgame and more apt to 'fight' against the book. Good luck and health goodgame to all.
MENU BETTING NEWS ONLY POINT SYSTEM DAY Uncategorized Latest articles Single Bet (19/8): Looking through the atonement of a positive goodgame result, Notts County and Colchester UEFA Champions League (Play-Off's): Small lead for Naples, Salzburg and Arsenal . The main factor is the management of stress in this preliminary phase system the day (19/8): Open cases with prestige and ego in the first derby of Madrid. Goals and possible contingencies north of London in Dunfermline Championship: fragile balance details and determine the winner in Cardiff, London and Bolton. Riddle still racing classify the Birmingham and Derby County Single Bet (18/8): The audacity of less depressed Burnley may alter the balance against Chelsea Skype Online Status
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Monday, August 18, 2014

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Single Bet (29/4): Only three credits interest tonight Carlisle's ground Crowley. | eb games
The minimum stay in hopes of English League One wants to be exhausted tonight playing Carlisle Crawley aiming only three points of victory to claim the miracle on the field of Wolves next Saturday. Far passable road of avoiding relegation, but from the data the guests will try to do everything they can. The defensive flaws is a further problem must satisfy. The Crowley wants to make an economic interest group is best finale in front of the audience, but it will not be the last game of the season next Saturday as they host Bristol City. In very good offer the prospect of scoring the two teams with the best deal (2.00) by Betfred. eb games With little risk above and see Over 2,5 in (2.11) as the Pinnacle course the Asian Handicap (0 + / 0.5) in favor of guests (1.96) from 188bet.
Super League Greece (Play-Off's): The adjustment to the new conditions required for Winners Panathinaikos. Heavy climate PAOK You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
After some problems encountered in recent times, we are pleased to announce that we now have our own server and we can be with you again stronger and more apt to 'fight' against the book. Good luck and health to all.
MENU BETTING NEWS ONLY POINT SYSTEM DAY Uncategorized Latest articles Single Bet (18/8): The audacity of less depressed Burnley may alter the balance against Chelsea Formation Day (18/8): Wins seeking atonement Rangers and Schalke. Not afraid of challenges tonight Dynamo Dresden and Troyes Single Bet (17/8): Small advantage in Gothenburg. The right to hope through risk will assert Guests Formation Day (17/8): Conflicts with perspective favorite and outsiders in Alkmaar, Sion and Norway Barclay's Premier League: The tradition alongside the 'City' in Newcastle. Test for superiority in Liverpool "Anfield Skype Online Status
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Sunday, August 17, 2014

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World Cup 2014 (3rd place Final): Against a background numbness Brazil. Less pressure rts for Dutch |
What happened to Brazil in the semifinals last Tuesday to be stigmatized for many years and several generations of fans. Damp the embarrassing 1-7 defeat by the Germans and is also reasonable to tonight's game is strong evidence of influence from what happened in Belo Horizonte. rts The Netherlands may be a little more tired but certainly will not feel as bad as hers exclusion in the semifinals was not accompanied by grumbling and unhappiness national character. The Brazilians want to get a rematch after losing 2-1 in the semifinals of the previous tournament rts in South Africa
Brazil - Netherlands: 1X (1,39 Goalbet), Goal / Goal (1,50 Betfred, Bet365), Over 2,5 (1,65 188bet), 1 DNB (1,67 Stan James), Brazil 1st Goal (1 , 80 Betfred), Goal / Goal & Over 2,5 (1,83 Netbet), Over 1 / 1,5 HT (2,11 Sbobet), 3-4 Goals (2,30 Sportingbet), Brazil & Over 2, 5 (3,10 Bet365), Goal Oscar anytime (2,87 William Hill) Brazil & Goal / Goal (3,75 Stan James)
Single rts Bet (12/7): rts Match ideal for aggressive tactics tonight in Stockholm You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 2 Responses to "World Cup 2014 (3rd place Final): rts Against a background numbness Brazil. Less pressure on the Dutch "
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After some problems encountered in recent times, we are pleased to announce that we now have our own server and we can be with you again stronger and more apt to 'fight' against the book. Good luck and health to all.
MENU BETTING NEWS ONLY POINT SYSTEM DAY Uncategorized Latest articles Single rts Bet (17/8): Small advantage in Gothenburg. The right to hope through risk will assert Guests Formation Day (17/8): rts Conflicts with perspective favorite and outsiders in Alkmaar, Sion and Norway Barclay's Premier League: The tradition alongside rts the 'City' in Newcastle. Test for superiority in Liverpool "Anfield League 1: In the aggressive estrus bet Marseille. Small lead to seriously need to Monaco and St Etienne Single Bet (16/8): The substance and audacity give victory tonight at Forfar where Dunfermline invited to undertake initiatives Skype Online Status
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Saturday, August 16, 2014

After a good day yesterday going to see what we are doing today ... Catania at 1.75 is a good team

After a good day yesterday going to see what we are doing today ... Catania at 1.75 is a good team with a penchant for goals and very good seat ... many times followed not sold us so we have every reason to do the opposite in a moderate samba and having absences with Maxi Lopez, Gkastalntelo Munnar and also outside ... except this point I see the French derby victory against the formed Paris Lyon tired but the yield is low and small Valencia is much better of Rayo Vallecano ...
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After a midweek coupon that was pretty strange results, especially in the League Cup as is usually up to the City eliminated, most expect the p / n ... today we get off course ...
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Friday, August 15, 2014

Benitez the

With the best words for Tim Sherwood spoke Emmanuel Adebayor who said he fully supports the technical Spurs are expected to leave the team bench at the end of the season. coco Can the evening Monday to Tottenham showed improved person in emphatic 5-1 victory against Sunderland in, however the management coco team reportedly determined to proceed with the replacement of Tim Sherwood at the end of the season, as mentioned English Means (first favorite is Louis Van Chaal). coco Nevertheless, Emmanuel Adebayor has expressed its full support of the young technician, recognizing that he has played a big role in his return to action, as it was basically the one who brought him back to the group as the Villas Boas did not count on the term ' spurs ':' I'm a player, to select and score a goal. Therefore, I hope to stay in Tottenham. But I am neither the president nor the owner of the club and whatever happens, I will concentrate on football and do my job for the team. Nevertheless, Sherwood played a big role in my life. When everyone had forgotten me "life." I am grateful and I owe a big thank you for this. Whatever happens, I will respect him as a technician and as a man of football. " * The celebration-military greeting Adebayor to Tottenham technician and coach of the team, Chris Ramsey (photo) in yesterday's match against Sunderland has made headlines in several British newspapers. But worth seeing the reaction of John O 'Shea from the opposite bench:
Information on the game: West Brom - Tottenham 1 X 2 Over Under 1X 12 X2 2.65 3.30 2.20 1.75 1.70 1.47 1.2 1.32 nM. Date 1. Date Ch. 2 Goal No Goal 3.30 1.95 2.70 1.50 2.00 0-1 Goals 2-3 Goals 4-6 Goals 7+ Goals 3.10 1.80 3.00 17.00
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Thursday, August 14, 2014

After some problems encountered in recent times, we are pleased to announce that we now have our ow

Single Bet (24/7): The qualitative superiority of the Star and the excitement of Rovaniemi show the way to the goal in the match in Tripoli |
Is there a difference in quality between Asteras Tripolis and Rovaniemi and her team of Finland will try to antistathmisei with more combative readiness after already underway in the league Scandinavian country makes a great effort to avoid dangerous positions of the table . Indeed, this time going through the Rovaniemi better racing situation with three consecutive wins in Veikkausliiga both of which in two recent away performances. The score of the first match (1-1) causes the guests to play aggressively contra and this course will give more space to the quality - especially Latinos - midfielders and strikers Greek team to finish the look. Consequently the Over 2,5 in (2.00) by Betfred is a logical choice in Greek betting company OPAP has to offer (1.75). Somewhere you will find the best deals on the Goal / Goal
Formation Day (25/7): In major concerns for Standard premiere of the Belgian championship. Mats for goal lead with headquarters in Scotland and Denmark You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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After some problems encountered in recent times, we are pleased to announce that we now have our own server and we can be with you again stronger and more apt to 'fight' against the book. Good luck and health to all.
MENU BETTING NEWS ONLY POINT SYSTEM DAY Uncategorized Latest articles Single Bet (15/8): Open Game pressures on both sides in Rotterdam Single Bet (14/8): The essence and something extra tonight sought to match the Helsingborg Single Bet ( 13/8): Several specific data in another derby in Germany of top Scottish Premier League: European worries despite the redemption Celtic. In their own way they something more Aberdeen, Inverness and Dundee United FC Single Bet (12/8): Question mark the readiness of "Queen" contra in the final of the Super Cup Skype Online Status
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2014 (20) Αύγουστος 2014 (9) 13 Αυγ (1) 11 Αυγ (1) 08 August (4) 07 August (1) 06 Aug

"Extension of distress" in the competition for the license of horse betting. Completed the meeting of the Fund, a new meeting was scheduled in August. At 5.25 million euros from the consortium Intralot's license for horserace betting, all the developments minute by minute to 'Horse' - 'Racing', the Greek racing site, http: //ippodromiaka-nea.blogspot. gr / - email info:
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2014 (20) Αύγουστος 2014 (9) 13 Αυγ (1) 11 Αυγ (1) 08 August (4) 07 August (1) 06 Aug

"Extension of distress" in the competition for the license of horse betting. Completed the meeting of the Fund, a new meeting was scheduled in August. At 5.25 million euros from the consortium Intralot's veikkaus license for horserace betting, all the developments minute by minute to 'Horse' - 'Racing', the Greek racing site, http: //ippodromiaka-nea.blogspot. gr / - email info:
more ...
2014 (20) Αύγουστος 2014 (9) 13 Αυγ (1) 11 Αυγ (1) 08 August (4) 07 August (1) 06 August (1) 03 August (1) July 2014 (11) 31 Ιουλ (3) 29 Ιουλ (1) 23 Ιουλ (1) 17 Ιουλ (1) 14 Ιουλ (1) 11 Ιουλ (1) 10 Ιουλ (1) 09 July (one ) 08 July (1) 2013 (332) Μάρτιος 2013 (104) 25 Μαρ (3) 24 Μαρ (1) 23 Μαρ (2) 22 Μαρ (1) 21 Μαρ (2) 20 March (22) 19 Μαρ (1) 18 Μαρ (1) 16 Μαρ (2) 15 Μαρ (2) 14 Μαρ (29) 13 Μαρ (1) 12 Μαρ (2) 11 Μαρ ( 3) 08 March (22) 07 March (1) 06 March (2) 04 March (2) 03 March (1) 02 March (1) 01 March (3) February veikkaus 2013 (133) 28 Φεβ (3) 27 Φεβ (1) 26 Φεβ (28) 25 Φεβ (1) 22 Φεβ (3) 21 Φεβ (2) 20 Φεβ (21) 19 Φεβ (3) 18 February (2) 15 Φεβ (1) 14 Φεβ (16) 13 Φεβ (1) 11 Φεβ (2) 09 February (1) 08 February (18) 07 February (1) 06 February ( 1) 05 February (21) 04 February (3) 03 February (2) 01 February veikkaus (2) Ιανουάριος 2013 (95) 31 Ιαν (1) 30 Ιαν (15) 29 Ιαν (1) 28 Ιαν (3) 27 Ιαν (1) 26 Ιαν (1) 25 Ιαν (14) 24 Ιαν (1) 23 Ιαν (2) 22 Ιαν (15) 21 Ιαν (2) 20 January (1) 19 Ιαν (1) 18 Ιαν (4) 17 Ιαν (1) 16 Ιαν (8) 14 Ιαν (3) 13 Ιαν (1) 11 Ιαν (1) 10 Ιαν ( 1) 09 January (1) 08 January (1) 07 January (10) 05 January (1) 04 January (1) 03 January (1) 02 January (1) 01 January (2) 2012 (967) Δεκέμβριος 2012 (137) 31 Δεκ (3) 30 Δεκ (1) 29 Δεκ (11) 28 Δεκ (3) 27 Δεκ (17) 26 Δεκ (2) 25 Δεκ (2) 24 Δεκ (2) 23 Δεκ (1) 22 Δεκ (1) 21 Δεκ (18) 20 Δεκ (1) 19 Δεκ (3) 18 Δεκ (17) 17 IPC (1 ) 16 Δεκ (1) 14 Δεκ (1) 13 Δεκ (1) 12 Δεκ (23) 11 Δεκ (2) 10 Δεκ (2) 09 December (1) 07 December (2) 06 December (17) 05 December (1) 04 December (1) 03 December (2) Νοέμβριος 2012 (159) 30 Dec (13) 29 Nov (1) 28 Nov (1) 27 Nov (16) 26 Nov (1) 24 Dec (15) 23 Nov (3) 22 Nov (1) 21 Dec (16) 20 Nov (3) 19 Nov (6) 17 Nov (2 ) 16 Dec (11) 15 Nov (2) 14 Nov (2) 13 Dec (12) 12 Nov (2) 09 Dec (15) 08 Nov (2) 07 Nov (2) Nov 06 (16) 05 Nov (3) 04 Nov (1) 02 Dec (11) 01 Nov (2) Οκτώβριος 2012 (75) 31 Οκτ (1) 30 Οκτ (1) 29 Οκτ (6) 28 Οκτ (1) 27 Οκτ (1) 26 Οκτ (11) 25 Οκτ (1) 24 Οκτ (1) 23 Οκτ (1) 22 Οκτ (4) 21 Οκτ (1 ) 19 Οκτ (10) 18 Οκτ (1) 17 Οκτ (7) 16 Οκτ (2) 15 Οκτ (3) 12 Οκτ (3) 11 Οκτ (1) 10 Οκτ (1) Oct 09 (1) 08 October (3) 06 October (2) 05 October (3) 04 October (1) 03 October (2) 02 October (2)

2014 (20) Αύγουστος 2014 (9) 13 Αυγ (1) 11 Αυγ (1) 08 August (4) 07 August (1) 06 Aug

"Extension of distress" better in the competition for the license of horse betting. Completed the meeting of the Fund, a new meeting was scheduled in August. At 5.25 million euros from the consortium Intralot's license better for horserace betting, all the developments minute by minute to 'Horse' - 'Racing', the Greek racing site, http: //ippodromiaka-nea.blogspot. gr / - email info:
Dining TV: Flash (the movie) better
2014 (20) Αύγουστος 2014 (9) 13 Αυγ (1) 11 Αυγ (1) 08 August (4) 07 August (1) 06 August (1) 03 August (1) July 2014 (11) 31 Ιουλ (3) 29 Ιουλ (1) 23 Ιουλ (1) 17 Ιουλ (1) 14 Ιουλ (1) 11 Ιουλ (1) 10 Ιουλ (1) 09 July (one ) 08 July (1) 2013 (332) Μάρτιος 2013 (104) 25 Μαρ (3) 24 Μαρ (1) 23 Μαρ (2) 22 Μαρ (1) 21 Μαρ (2) 20 March (22) 19 Μαρ (1) 18 Μαρ (1) 16 Μαρ (2) 15 Μαρ (2) 14 Μαρ (29) 13 Μαρ (1) 12 Μαρ (2) 11 Μαρ ( 3) 08 March (22) 07 March (1) 06 March (2) 04 March (2) 03 March (1) 02 March (1) 01 March (3) February 2013 (133) 28 Φεβ (3) 27 Φεβ (1) 26 Φεβ (28) 25 Φεβ (1) 22 Φεβ (3) 21 Φεβ (2) 20 Φεβ (21) 19 Φεβ (3) 18 February (2) 15 Φεβ (1) 14 Φεβ (16) 13 Φεβ (1) 11 Φεβ (2) 09 February (1) 08 February better (18) 07 February (1) 06 February ( 1) 05 February (21) 04 February (3) 03 February (2) 01 February (2) Ιανουάριος 2013 (95) 31 Ιαν (1) 30 Ιαν (15) 29 Ιαν (1) 28 Ιαν (3) 27 Ιαν (1) 26 Ιαν (1) 25 Ιαν (14) 24 Ιαν (1) 23 Ιαν (2) 22 Ιαν (15) 21 Ιαν (2) 20 January (1) 19 Ιαν (1) 18 Ιαν (4) 17 Ιαν (1) 16 Ιαν (8) 14 Ιαν (3) 13 Ιαν (1) 11 Ιαν (1) 10 Ιαν ( 1) 09 January (1) 08 January (1) 07 January (10) 05 January (1) 04 January (1) 03 January better (1) 02 January (1) 01 January (2) 2012 (967) Δεκέμβριος 2012 (137) 31 Δεκ (3) 30 Δεκ (1) 29 Δεκ (11) 28 Δεκ (3) 27 Δεκ (17) 26 Δεκ (2) 25 Δεκ (2) 24 Δεκ (2) 23 Δεκ (1) 22 Δεκ (1) 21 Δεκ (18) 20 Δεκ (1) 19 Δεκ (3) 18 Δεκ (17) 17 IPC (1 ) 16 Δεκ (1) 14 Δεκ (1) 13 Δεκ (1) 12 Δεκ (23) 11 Δεκ (2) 10 Δεκ (2) 09 December (1) 07 December (2) 06 December better (17) 05 December (1) 04 December (1) 03 December (2) Νοέμβριος 2012 (159) 30 Dec (13) 29 Nov (1) 28 Nov (1) 27 Nov (16) 26 Nov (1) 24 Dec (15) 23 Nov (3) 22 Nov (1) 21 Dec (16) 20 Nov (3) 19 Nov (6) 17 Nov (2 ) 16 Dec (11) 15 Nov (2) 14 Nov (2) 13 Dec (12) 12 Nov (2) 09 Dec (15) 08 Nov (2) 07 Nov (2) Nov 06 (16) 05 Nov (3) 04 Nov (1) 02 Dec (11) 01 Nov (2) Οκτώβριος 2012 (75) 31 Οκτ (1) 30 Οκτ (1) 29 Οκτ (6) 28 Οκτ (1) 27 Οκτ (1) 26 Οκτ (11) 25 Οκτ (1) 24 Οκτ (1) 23 Οκτ (1) 22 Οκτ (4) 21 Οκτ (1 ) 19 Οκτ (10) 18 Οκτ (1) 17 Οκτ (7) 16 Οκτ (2) 15 Οκτ (3) 12 Οκτ (3) 11 Οκτ (1) 10 Οκτ (1) 09 October better (1) 08 October (3) 06 October (2) 05 October (3) 04 October (1) 03 October (2) &

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

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Monday, August 11, 2014

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

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