Delicious recipes with tomatoes | Dawn - News Dnipropetrovsk and the region with 1917
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Summer - it's time to harvest cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant and, of course, tomatoes. They contain a lot of vitamin C, rich in carotene, folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, potassium, sodium and iron. Tomatoes bleach useful to use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, widely bleach used in clinical nutrition.
Cucumbers, bleach tomatoes, peppers, onions, zucchini slice, carrot grate. All mix and put to cook for 10 minutes (after boiling). Add 1 h. Spoon 70 percent vinegar and cook for another 5 minutes. In hot expanded into jars and roll.
In 2-quart tomatoes - 2 kg Garlic - 2-3 cloves, vinegar - 1 hour. Liter. The brine: water - 1 liter salt - 2 tbsp. l. slides without sugar - 6 tablespoons. l. with a small slide and pepper - 7 nuts, cloves - 7 pcs., black currant - a few leaves, dill - 2 small umbrellas.
With tomatoes cut stalk. Insert into each tomato slice garlic cloves and put in jars. Pour the boiling water and let stand 10 minutes. Prepare the brine by connecting all components. Boil for 10 minutes. Then drain the water from the jars and pour immediately boiling bleach brine. Each bank add a teaspoon of vinegar. Close sterilized lids. Flip, wrap and let stand to cool.
In the water add all the cooked spices, bleach salt and sugar. Bring to a boil, add the vinegar. In the boiling brine put the prepared vegetables and omit the bank without touching hands. Umbrellas of fennel and other spices as well, without affecting the hands, invest in banks, helping himself only forks, spoons. bleach Fill with boiling brine, close banks.
Pepper cut into 5-6 pieces lengthwise. Tomato paste in tins, shifting pepper. Pour the boiling water, cover the lid and leave for 20 hvylyn.Vodu drain in pan, add salt, sugar, bring to a boil. Let stand for 5 minutes. and pour vinegar, stir and this marinade immediately pour the tomatoes. Roll, turn and wrap.
Tomatoes - 5 kg, red bell pepper - 5-7 pcs. Onion - 5 goal., Salt - 3 tbsp. l., sugar - 0.5 kg, 9 percent VH e t - 100 g cinnamon - 1 hour. liter., cloves - 5 pcs., ground black pepper - 1 hour. liter.
Pepper cut into 4 pieces. In tomatoes, remove stem. Onions cut into 4 pieces. Make everything into a large saucepan bleach and cook over medium heat for three hours, stirring occasionally. Add sugar and spices and cook for another three hours, stirring occasionally. Pour ketchup into sterile jars and roll.
At quart: Tomatoes - 1 kg. Marinade: bleach Water - 1 liter VTS is t 9 percent - 100 g, salt - 3 hours. Liter., Sugar - 2.5 c. l., mustard seeds - 1 tsp. liter., allspice - 7-10 peas, bay leaf - 2 pcs.
As banks enter into small tomatoes, cover with boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, drain the water. Marinade: bleach all ingredients are added to boiling water and let boil 3 minutes more. Until Drain marinade should already be ready. Stick to the walls of the cans 2 bay leaves and fill with marinade, bleach until that came out of the jar. Immediately tighten sterilized lids and turn to cool.
Solid small tomatoes - 3 kg, mild tomato juice - 3 kg, black pepper - 8 pcs., Dill and parsley - 2 sprigs, sugar at the rate of 1 hour. Liter. 1 liter juice, salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. 1 liter of juice.
Greens wash and finely chop. Tomato juice coarsely chop and place in a saucepan. Bring to a boil tomatoes, then add the greens bleach and stirring occasionally, cook over low heat for 20 minutes until the tomatoes are soft. In cooked tomato pomace weight should be separated from the juice by means of a sieve. Fine chop the tomatoes with a fork so that when they cracked conservation. Firmly conclude tomatoes bleach in sterilized jars, add 2 pieces. pepper, pour boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes. Tomato juice again bring to a boil, add sugar, salt and mix. Then take turns with each pour water jars, pour tomato juice, cover and roll. Banks turn, wrap and leave to cool.
Green Tomatoes - 4 kg, salt, sugar - 1 cup, currant leaves, bay leaves - 5., Cloves - 10 pcs., Ground black pepper - 20 pcs., Sweet pepper - 0.5 kg carrots - 1 kg onion - 1 goal., root parsley - 300 g butter - 300-400 g
Slice the green tomatoes slices. Onions cut into rings, sweet pepper - julienne, carrots and parsley root grate. Vegetables make in a container, pour salt to taste and leave for 10 to
News News News city region state administration Vlast Oblast Council of Cabinet Glavnoye Ratings Economy DAWN Agricultural Prices People Osobыy The case of passion Society Veterans Prydneprovya SECURITY kazhdogo History of Medicine and zdorovie Orthodoxy Leisure Culture Detyam recepty Sport About us About us History Contacts newspaper "Dawn" Advertise Realyzatoram
Summer - it's time to harvest cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant and, of course, tomatoes. They contain a lot of vitamin C, rich in carotene, folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, potassium, sodium and iron. Tomatoes bleach useful to use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, widely bleach used in clinical nutrition.
Cucumbers, bleach tomatoes, peppers, onions, zucchini slice, carrot grate. All mix and put to cook for 10 minutes (after boiling). Add 1 h. Spoon 70 percent vinegar and cook for another 5 minutes. In hot expanded into jars and roll.
In 2-quart tomatoes - 2 kg Garlic - 2-3 cloves, vinegar - 1 hour. Liter. The brine: water - 1 liter salt - 2 tbsp. l. slides without sugar - 6 tablespoons. l. with a small slide and pepper - 7 nuts, cloves - 7 pcs., black currant - a few leaves, dill - 2 small umbrellas.
With tomatoes cut stalk. Insert into each tomato slice garlic cloves and put in jars. Pour the boiling water and let stand 10 minutes. Prepare the brine by connecting all components. Boil for 10 minutes. Then drain the water from the jars and pour immediately boiling bleach brine. Each bank add a teaspoon of vinegar. Close sterilized lids. Flip, wrap and let stand to cool.
In the water add all the cooked spices, bleach salt and sugar. Bring to a boil, add the vinegar. In the boiling brine put the prepared vegetables and omit the bank without touching hands. Umbrellas of fennel and other spices as well, without affecting the hands, invest in banks, helping himself only forks, spoons. bleach Fill with boiling brine, close banks.
Pepper cut into 5-6 pieces lengthwise. Tomato paste in tins, shifting pepper. Pour the boiling water, cover the lid and leave for 20 hvylyn.Vodu drain in pan, add salt, sugar, bring to a boil. Let stand for 5 minutes. and pour vinegar, stir and this marinade immediately pour the tomatoes. Roll, turn and wrap.
Tomatoes - 5 kg, red bell pepper - 5-7 pcs. Onion - 5 goal., Salt - 3 tbsp. l., sugar - 0.5 kg, 9 percent VH e t - 100 g cinnamon - 1 hour. liter., cloves - 5 pcs., ground black pepper - 1 hour. liter.
Pepper cut into 4 pieces. In tomatoes, remove stem. Onions cut into 4 pieces. Make everything into a large saucepan bleach and cook over medium heat for three hours, stirring occasionally. Add sugar and spices and cook for another three hours, stirring occasionally. Pour ketchup into sterile jars and roll.
At quart: Tomatoes - 1 kg. Marinade: bleach Water - 1 liter VTS is t 9 percent - 100 g, salt - 3 hours. Liter., Sugar - 2.5 c. l., mustard seeds - 1 tsp. liter., allspice - 7-10 peas, bay leaf - 2 pcs.
As banks enter into small tomatoes, cover with boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, drain the water. Marinade: bleach all ingredients are added to boiling water and let boil 3 minutes more. Until Drain marinade should already be ready. Stick to the walls of the cans 2 bay leaves and fill with marinade, bleach until that came out of the jar. Immediately tighten sterilized lids and turn to cool.
Solid small tomatoes - 3 kg, mild tomato juice - 3 kg, black pepper - 8 pcs., Dill and parsley - 2 sprigs, sugar at the rate of 1 hour. Liter. 1 liter juice, salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. 1 liter of juice.
Greens wash and finely chop. Tomato juice coarsely chop and place in a saucepan. Bring to a boil tomatoes, then add the greens bleach and stirring occasionally, cook over low heat for 20 minutes until the tomatoes are soft. In cooked tomato pomace weight should be separated from the juice by means of a sieve. Fine chop the tomatoes with a fork so that when they cracked conservation. Firmly conclude tomatoes bleach in sterilized jars, add 2 pieces. pepper, pour boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes. Tomato juice again bring to a boil, add sugar, salt and mix. Then take turns with each pour water jars, pour tomato juice, cover and roll. Banks turn, wrap and leave to cool.
Green Tomatoes - 4 kg, salt, sugar - 1 cup, currant leaves, bay leaves - 5., Cloves - 10 pcs., Ground black pepper - 20 pcs., Sweet pepper - 0.5 kg carrots - 1 kg onion - 1 goal., root parsley - 300 g butter - 300-400 g
Slice the green tomatoes slices. Onions cut into rings, sweet pepper - julienne, carrots and parsley root grate. Vegetables make in a container, pour salt to taste and leave for 10 to