Wednesday, December 4, 2013

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Prague 1-Stare atari breakout Mesto Prague 1-Malá Strana Prague 1-Hradcany Prague 1 and 2-Nove Mesto Praha 2 Praha Vyšehrad 2 and 4-Nusle Praha 2, 3, and 10-Vinohrady Praha 3-Zizkov Prague 4-Záběhlice Praha 5 - Smíchov Praha 6-Břevnov Prague 6 and 7-Bubeneč Prague 6-Dejvice Prague 7-Holešovice Prague 8-Karlin Praha 8-Liben Prague 8-Kobylisy.The Praha 8-Čimice Praha 9-Prosek Praha 10 Praha Vršovice atari breakout 11-Chodov Praha 13 - Třebonice Praha 15-Horni Měcholupy Surroundings of Prague Aliance PIV or Best Of microbreweries Events City-Gallery From the Author
The restaurant is like a time machine, going there is the impression of moving about good few decades back. Around the old cupboards, sideboards, tables. On the walls full of photographs and images related to the Czech comedies, and by the fact that they often hosted in our television, a little older drinkers should not have a problem with the diagnosis of known motifs.
The summer is available here pleasant and peaceful garden, which is an oasis of calm in if it was not, the city center. Kulový blesk is already a place of all those who do not have permanent beers on offer. There are breweries Primátor, Svijany, Kocour, Matuska, atari breakout but runs out of the barrel of their beer right at the place jumps into something else. One thing's for sure: it will always beer with medium or a small brewery.
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Categories Select Category Aliance atari breakout PIV or Best Of Events City-Gallery microbreweries Surroundings of Prague Praha 1 and 2-Nove Mesto Praha 1-Hradcany Prague 1-Malá Strana Prague 1-Stare Mesto Praha 10 Praha Vršovice 11-Chodov Praha 13 Praha 15-Třebonice -Horni Měcholupy Praha 2, and 4-Nusle Praha 2, 3, and 10-Vinohrady Prague 2-Vyšehrad Praha 3-Zizkov Prague 4-Záběhlice Prague 5-Smíchov Praha 6 and 7-Bubeneč Praha 6-Břevnov Prague 6-Dejvice Praha 7 - Holešovice Prague 8-Karlin Praha 8-Kobylisy.The Praha 8-Liben Prague 8-Čimice Praha 9-Prosek Search Search for: Site Statistics 83.401 visits License:

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