"The greatest michigan lottery enemy of mountaineers and najneizprosnejši is vseuničujoči avalanche. Opposite its terrible force a man without strength. Therefore, the mountaineer to be well informed about the avalanche, he needs to know how they occur, when and where. "With these words, avalanches described geographer, a pioneer of mountaineering and mountain prolific writer Paul Kunaver (1889-1988) during the first Slovenian Mountain guide on the mountain in 1923. Avalanches are like a sleeping dragon. This follows sleeps very strong and long, but when you wake up again, struck with full force and sometimes even swinging its tail. Avalanches are triggered when the slide above, more slight layer of snow on the lower, harder or sub-layer and can slip all the layers of the terrestrial base at a time. It was also the end of November 2013. With the high snow you do not need much snow and barren terrain that we are swamped by an avalanche. It is enough to go on a steep slope or cross the ravine just a few meters from the piste, trails, plowed roads and farms, last but not least we can also swamped roof avalanche.
In the December issue of the magazine, michigan lottery I introduce michigan lottery you to some of the less pleasant sides and trapping snow in Slovenia, but this time I will introduce a more avalanches - scenic natural phenomenon, which has been fatal for many people already. With the avalanche we're dealing with when larger or smaller mass of snow slides down the slope. An avalanche can be triggered at any sufficiently steep and snowy surface, which we also confirmed previous avalanche accidents in the home country and around the world. Of all the natural disasters in our most fatalities because of avalanches, on average, 1-2 victims per year in more snow winters longer. The snow season 2012/2013 there were four in 2009/2010 season even seven victims. Due to the high mortality submerged they became known as the white death. michigan lottery Always have been among the victims michigan lottery mostly locals, but today mostly wide variety of visitors to the hilly and mountainous regions, where the maximum landslide world. Often surprised by the soldiers, when they once during michigan lottery the fight (only during the First World War was due to them in the Alps, according to various estimates about 50,000 victims), today especially in training. In early 2013 this has happened in our country Komni, but because of the adequate equipment and good skill without severe consequences.
Depending on the presence of water in an avalanche separated landslides dry and wet snow. A distinction michigan lottery is loose snow avalanches, starting with a dot napoko michigan lottery and is on its way down both sides spread (such chest avalanche), and adherent snow avalanches. The latter include Layers of compressed, which are the most common in our country. In these slips off the snowy slopes greater, usually firmly adherent mass of snow. According to the method of movement known slower running faster and shower landslides. These are due to high speed because michigan lottery of the avalanche travels michigan lottery freely above the ground, in terms of volume among the largest. Prevention is also important to any of the typical avalanche zones (zone trigger, movement and disposal) are having to initiate and how the forest. The right venue for avalanches starting at the tree line, rely, we should not even on the individual, even higher-lying trees, which do not guarantee safety. michigan lottery Moreover landslide slopes above the treeline, michigan lottery of course, michigan lottery but also in the woods not completely secure. This is especially true for the upper edge and concave landforms within the steep forest of the world. Regardless of the size and characteristics of the subject, it is important that any slip of the snow, which can be pulled behind a human. Often not be very much, for this to happen, because the volume of snow density of about 50 kg/m3 for the powder to more than 400 kg/m3 for bearings wet snow or spring srenec.
Most often triggers a cascade of themselves, and so that we are at the wrong time in the wrong way in the wrong place. As a rule, we are more exposed to landslides during the crossing slopes and dropping thereafter as climbing. Less frequently, we in avalanche accidents are dealing with spontaneous firing of because of new snow, rain, sun, the-juge, demolished ebb or even an earthquake. Many of these accidents could have been avoided with a bit more knowledge if they are victims of an accident at all aware of the hazards of this kind, and with proper avalanche equipment. In assessing the respective avalanche situation is an irreplaceable feeling for snow, which can be due prior knowledge to make the so-called multi-annual mileage allowance or regular frequenting the snowy landscape and accompanied by more experienced. This is conditional on acceptance of the fact that this can happen to you. It will help us even if we know how to make a cross-section of snow, and a subsequent examination of threats to trigger avalanches on one of the many methods.
Snow cover is nothing more than a condensed presentation of previous weather and snow conditions and a brief history of the current passing winter. By the number michigan lottery of layers in the snow pack, according to their thickness, strength, type and size of snow crystals that make up each layer, you can r
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