As a fan of Fisher Price toys, yet another child that we bought this little snail - hit form. The toy keeps a good price, and yet, in form and function, I was optimistic that we will be especially fun ...
It is a toy of high quality plastic, igre 123 vibrant colors and a variety of structures, in the form of a snail. There is an opening igre 123 with slots in which a child needs a certain igre 123 shape objects. With the toy gets 9 forms: 3 stars, 3 semester, and 3 Cvetic. Each shape is slightly different colors and each has a different texture. So, when a child overcome forms can learn colors, recognizing differences ...
As a little bonus, a snail and a sound effect. When he gently rocked emits a tone that short duration, is not irritating to the ears of us adults as it is often the case with toys in recent times. igre 123 To music functioned need two small batteries, such as those used watches. Generally, the toy can be used without it, but when we have the opportunity, why not? ...
The manufacturer has made a recommendation that the toy for ages 6 + months. igre 123 In my experience, the child will be interesting from a ninth, tenth month. As time goes by, it will overcome every aspect of educational toys. My Bebac he was 9 months when I bought him. At first he just tapped all the cubes, tossing them without order, he was angry when he can not guess where that form going. Then we were at that stage of the star, semester, and Cvetic make box because the super-fit to each other and can thus arrange.
Very quickly Bebac found the button that activates the melody on snails, and without the snail rocked himself pressed to dugmence and play music. I liked him, he was always cheerful when he hears. He spoke quickly, where form goes, although often only Uzma snail and shook him, to objects rattled, throwing Delici without igre 123 a cause, but that's part of the game ... Of course, not absent glockanje star and other forms of torture when teeth to ... For color, we are still small, but so far we were tiny toy nicely entertained.
True, like toys can be found for less than 3,000 din., How much is this little snail, but who is able, let's still afford a child. igre 123 It's great as a small gift. In America, twice cheaper ... How to rate the article and the subject engaged?
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We unfortunately do not buy new Fisher Price toys, our household budget is not can not stand because the prices for our climate rude visoke.Sto specifically concerned these toys quite by chance I had the luck ~ ~ that is the one I find the auction site 12 times cheaper than in the shops so that my son has quite by accident ... and the truth is that good and educational
Toys these brands are good educational, besides recognizing shapes igre 123 the child has the opportunity to become acquainted with and auditory elements, but use them for children from 2 years old and then they will be much more all to be interesting
All toys of this brand are very good quality. I have a few, bought seven years ago and the two children are actively playing with them and now they are almost igre 123 like new. Z
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