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By the time personal computers based on microprocessors began to emerge in the mid-1970s, programmers had been writing operating systems the software that manages the computer hardware and provides commonly used services for application programs for about twenty years. Big mainframe computers had operating systems that were huge and complicated, created from hundreds of thousands of lines of code. But other operating systems, designed to fit in the small memory of minicomputers, were tiny. That was the kind that the PCs could use.
Computer Scientist Gary Kildall created just such an operating system in 1974 for a small computer called the “Intellec-8″ that Intel had designed to showcase their new microprocessors. Called “CP/M”, it was unlike most other operating girls games systems for small computers because it was written in PL/M, a portable higher-level language that he had designed earlier, rather than in the assembly-language of a particular computer. That meant that CP/M could be ported to run on many different personal computers. And if the applications were written in PL/M, they could be ported as well.
Gary Kildall at the first West Coast Computer Faire in the San Francisco Civic Auditorium in 1977 [CHM Object ID: 500004174 Tom Munnecke/Hulton Archive/Getty Images] The early availability of CP/M, combined with its portability, made it a runaway success. Kildall started a company called Digital Research, Inc. (DRI) in Pacific girls games Grove, California to develop and market CP/M, and for years it was the dominant operating system girls games for personal microcomputers. It was eventually overtaken by Microsoft’s MS-DOS for the IBM PC in the 1980s, but before then it was responsible for a vibrant ecosystem of application programs that contributed to the rapid proliferation of the early personal computers.
To mark the 40 th anniversary of the prototype demonstration in Kildall s backyard tool shed in Pacific Grove in the fall of 1974, the Computer History Museum is pleased to make available, for non-commercial use, the source code of several of the early releases of CP/M.
In the early 1970s, Gary Kildall was an instructor in computer science at the Naval Postgraduate School girls games in Monterey, California. He was also a part-time contractor for Intel, and he began using an Intel development system to create software for that young company s new microprocessors.
In 1974 Kildall wrote a program that allowed microprocessor designers to replace slow paper tape storage with the new fast 8″ floppy disks that were becoming commercially available. Initially girls games called Control Program/Monitor, later renamed Control Program for Microcomputers (“CP/M”), girls games his program proved to have value far beyond fulfilling the requirements of his part-time consulting gig for Intel. When it was fully configured as a commercial operating system in 1976, CP/M elevated a hobbyist activity into a mainstream personal and small business computer girls games tool, and in doing so it laid an important foundation for the personal computer revolution.
Early versions of CP/M were written entirely in PL/M (“Programming Language for Microcomputers”), a high-level systems programming language he developed girls games for Intel in 1972 for its microprocessor girls games development systems [1]. Primarily a subset of the mainframe computer language PL/I, it also incorporated ideas from ALGOL and XPL, and included an integrated macro processor. In an article presented at the 1975 National Computer Conference [2], Kildall called CP/M “modest in structure and scope”, but “allowing access to all machine functions, without becoming completely dependent girls games upon a particular girls games CPU organization.” The story of CP/M
Starting in the late-1970s, one of the premier girls games publications for the incipient personal computer software girls games industry girls games was the unusually-named Dr. Dobb’s Journal of Computer Calisthenics & Orthodontia . In the January 1980 issue, Gary Kildall published a person
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