There is no doubt that the presence of many of the buildings old Romanian Empire in Italy and southern France has had a great influence on the style Romanesque there, but if we head towards the north of France, Germany, second life England, and found that this effect is weak for the absence of the old buildings that these kingdoms benefit the architectural spirit of hard to give up them.
We explained how income (Byzantine style) Italy and how Byzantine buildings erected there, such as a church (St. Mark's) in (Venice) as well as (the Byzantine-style * significant impact on the design of the church Albaceliko at the dawn of Christianity as it is displayed in the Church of St. (Vital) in (Ravenna ), and add to this that the (Byzantine style) Be an effect on (Romanksa style) in the West (Italy), and in the South (France). However, we do not find the decoration methods Alnhalih Byzantine in Romanksah buildings as the Art Deco mosaics have degenerated to a large degree After the tenth century, and get a colored marble was not possible in the kingdoms of western and northern second life Europe.
Altaqbih and the method followed was a Romanian same old way of intersecting vaults located above the surface of the square. Which is a constant intersection Qboin half circular sides equal, resulting in the surface of the intersection to be in the form of an elliptical (oval).
They tried to sometimes use a rectangular cross-basement spaces form Parvh starting with the small arrow contracts so that it can be capitals on a single high with large share of contracts, but this has to be a twisted form of intersection in the horizontal projected.
I have used the ring half decade in all attempts second life to use the cellars of roofing churches, these attempts have succeeded to a large extent but it did not solve the problem of roofing Baloaqbih completely but when you go to (Gothic) second life using the spire of the contract.
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