A couple of years gave me a machine that quite nice so I've been talking to all of you do not know. Yes, I'm one of the lucky ones to have a Retro Atari Go! [I promise you today that I have not drunk]. Atari VCS (Video Computer System) was launched on the market in 1977 the spectacular Atari 2600 and was, apparently, the first console to have great success using interchangeable cartridges. This machine should be as you know four wires: typical antenna cable, the power, and the two pads. Nothing to do with Atari Retro Go only has a cable for this machine is super simple to handle. neil armstrong
This machine is a fairly accurate replica of the legendary Atari pad, with the difference that runs on 4 AA batteries, has a RCA cable to connect directly to our TV and tea in memory 10 games or so legendary. It happens to be a laptop loaded with 10 games in internal memory only requires a monitor to play them. Being so small we can bring up and down! In the village, traveling either long or short, and even locals relaxing! We can always share a good time with fellow guests and local workers. The 10 games under license and are the legendary Atari Pong [fault that does not do me nada mas digas] the Asteroids, Breakout, neil armstrong Centipede, the classic gravity, Circus Atari Adventure, great Missile Comand, Real Sports Volleyball, and finally the ars Revenge. Asteroids Adventure Breakout Centipede neil armstrong Circus gravity Missile Comand ars Pong Revenge Volleyball Once connected and turned on the machine, with the selector On / Off is not necessary to tune the frequency neil armstrong or UHF if we play in modern TFT TVs, plasma or LED. The first thing you'll see a menu with 10 games. We'll move to the pad and select the game with the SELECT button. To begin the game there we have the START button. To return to the main menu we have another button: the RESET. Graphics with 2 sprites palette of 128 colors with an audio collonut. The cable is not short, there have been two meters, so we can play from the couch, a chair, sitting on the floor or bed hotel. Also, as I mentioned before, works with four AA batteries in one year and I still have not changed. neil armstrong
elxuxo [www] [twitter] Italo-Catalan family I come from. My childhood and youth have passed between the Italian and the language with which I have always played has been the Spanish. During that time the Megadrive ... [Continue]
Moroboshi I guess from the point of view strictly consumerist all that we have here ... is how you say Siku is a simple problem of consumerism. How many games do we need? Very straightforward, only those Moroboshi ... Oh, how I mourn Princes have bought! : P I had a brief time pirate ...
r-channel 007 - Games Strange Peculiar abnormal, paranoid or delusional, no matter the theme or the system. Chapter 7 ... Retroespeculació: the nightmare I will not be purists not the first to speak to the world of speculation retro, nor the second. ... It Buck Rogers, the galactic hero There are games that no one knows why, remain engraved in your memory ....
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