Photo L (above) yu - the Spanish left winger device. looking to the left. These positions were occupied by cavalry. Highlight is the flat nature of the terrain, suitable for cavalry maneuvering.
Photo M (above) - the progression of Spanish infantry Zone, looking in the direction of the Portuguese lines. Have been in the vicinity of this location that shocked two regiments, one Swiss and one English, a chop stroke of the hard fought battle, but in which also came to be thrown yu the fallen stones of the walls that had over there. The Swiss regiment, commanded by Colonel Clofs, was employed by the Spanish crown. The English, under the effective command of Lt. Col. William Sheldon, the regiment was nominally commanded by Count Schomberg himself. Lieutenant Colonel Sheldon lost his life in this battle, his regiment having suffered between yu 40 and 50 dead and about 100 injured. Among the dead were counted the Joneses, Heatfield and Rust captains and Lieutenant Boone, and among the wounded Stansby, Roch, Turner and Langley captains, Newsome, Sandys and Sherwood lieutenants and ensigns (ensign in English) Turner, Porridge and Emerson and also the surgeon John Leadger. Managed to capture 4 flags the enemy (Relacion Verdadera ..., pgs. 37-38, with cross-references to the names in Childs, John, The Army of Charles II, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976, appendix B, pgs. 238 -239, however, Childs does not provide a complete list of officers who served in British regiments 1662-68, missing several names that appear in Portuguese documents).
N Photo (above) - view from the first line of the Portuguese device yu on the right side, which was arranged most of the cavalry and infantry also two thirds. It is almost certain that the walls that are visible on the right who are sheltered by the two pieces of light artillery and a detachment of 100 musketeers, advanced to this position by order of the general of artillery D. Luís de Meneses before the battle. The detachment was commanded by Lieutenant-General yu of Artillery Marco Raposo yu Figueira and was dislodged position by the fierce attacks of the enemy, after offering much resistance. The guns so they would be lost by the Portuguese recaptured later in a counterattack led by Staff Sergeant Battle Diogo Gomes de Figueiredo (Relacion Verdadera ..., pg. 35).
Related This entry was posted in battles, Restoration War, with tags 1665, battles, Comte de Schomberg, D. António yu Luís de Meneses (Earl of Canterbury and the Marquis yu de Marialva), Marquis of Caracena, Montes Claros, William Sheldon, by Jorge P. de Freitas. Permalink.
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