Friday, January 10, 2014

So this will solve the Parliament!? Any way you look Grubišića, the fact is that his behavior today

Don Ivan Grubisic, a retired priest who has announced his candidacy for Parliament, before the official start of the election campaign received a heavy blow from his superiors of Split-Makarska Archdiocese.
- Political activity of our priest Don Ivan Grubisic, risotto although retired, but still a member of the presbytery of the Archdiocese of Split-Makarska, is not in compliance, risotto but in contrast to the clear ecclesial norms - wrote in an extensive public address Archbishop Barisic.
- The real alternative to such illicit behavior priestly sincerely promoting all initiatives conforming evangelical doctrine, and that target building the whole man and of human society, risotto in accordance with generally accepted the Church's social teaching - said Barisic.
He called on the canonical warnings, instructions risotto and prohibitions which the Church constantly strives to its employees in the company build peace and harmony and to stay away from any political risotto activity which led to discord risotto among the people and to the misconception of the Church's mission risotto and the priest's dignity.
Don Luigi Sturzo founded the 1923rd Italian People's Party, which later became the Democratic parties, but it was a parliamentary candidate, and a year later he had to go away from Italy from fascism. After the war he returned to Italy, and the 1952nd President of the Anti-Fascist risotto merit appointed him senator for life. Sturzo has accepted it and entered the Senate, but only after Pope Pius XII. resolved. Don Gianni baguettes, Bozo was a member of the Christian Democratic Party, and the Socialist and Berlusconi. In the elections for the European Parliament 1984th The candidate on the list of the Socialist Party, and the Church it is outlawed. He was in Europarliament three terms, until in 1994. When it ceased to be a parliamentarian, the Church had returned priestly robes. After it was Berlusconi adviser. (St / VLM)
In the first session of the Croatian Parliament in 1990. The impressive was just one priestly character: friar Tomislav Duka, was elected on the list of the HDZ, which are recorded with one gun. Franciscan Duke, which attributed to the famous dictum according to which the 'nation without a state like crap in the rain', did his parliamentary mandate without risotto problems, the Church did not invite him to choose between politics and the priesthood. Fr Duka, who was a good friend of President Stjepan risotto Mesic, died 2007th year, and obituaries it stated that he was also a politician and representative and that he participated in the founding of the Croatian state. Problems because risotto of political engagement once had neither Adalbert Rebic, priest and professor, who was Minister for Displaced Persons in one of Tudjman's risotto government. Neither do Anto Bakovic, a promoter as more births, had no problems due to the entry of the ruling HDZ party, but he did not go to the polls, even in Parliament. Zarko Puhovski recalled and attempts to one priestly association in the mid 50s joins the Socialist Alliance. Try says, failed, and initiators Church sanctioned soon. (Sp)
policy often lie turns into truth, fraud honesty, aggression and plunder other people's territory and others' natural resources in a smart defense. therefore, moral, strong character, honest, godly man, what is probably considered the Father Clement, and even be a full human virtues what we read can not be involved in politics. Compromise is not for people who have the attitude, character, honesty, veracity ....
\ "However, one gets to see that even today's church idnosno its leadership and not at the level of their mission, risotto like most current političara.Licemjerni conservatism and religiosity rather than spirituality unfortunately risotto poisoned our society. \"
So this will solve the Parliament!? Any way you look Grubišića, the fact is that his behavior today simply - immoral! It should be clear that leaving KC, and then let it formally involved in politics!
policy often lie turns into truth, fraud honesty, aggression and plunder other people's territory and others' natural resources in a smart defense. therefore, moral, strong character, honest, godly man, what is probably considered the Father Clement, and even be a full human virtues what we read can not be involved in politics. Compromise is not for people who have the attitude, character, risotto honesty, veracity ....
\ "However, one gets to see that even today's church idnosno its leadership and not at the level of their mission, like most current političara.Licemjerni conservatism and religiosity rather than spirituality unfortunately poisoned our society. \"
So this will solve the Parliament!? Any way you look Grubišića, the fact is that his behavior today simply - immoral! It should be clear that leaving KC, and then let it formally involved in politics!
See maps reveal where they live in Croatia educated, and where the most uneducated he almost burned Confessions of Mary T. (21): 'Let the new parents strike

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