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The rapid development of Type 054 makes people doubt China is the help of the Russians. Russian media said that China was likely to get Russian help in the process of developing and building ships Type 054 and its variants are used by the Chinese Navy. Quantity Type 054A ships in the Navy payroll China than any ship to which this is used. As of early 2014, the Chinese Navy has put 15 units equipped with Type 054A and ongoing building 5 other units in the Huangpu Shipyard in Guangzhou and Shanghai Hudong-Zhonghua. In addition, the Type 054A is equipped with weapon systems and electronic warfare systems to better surpass other ships.
The process of designing and developing gladiatus Type 054A warship was quite fast from the original design in 2009 until it was put into production in the most just 3 years, the period of development of the Type 054A faster than any ship China war has ever been made.
Experts said that the reason the development of Type 054A is happening so fast in service activities maritime territorial disputes by the Chinese government, gladiatus on the other hand there are many ideas for that Middle National experts Russian support.
According to a report by China announced it would close as many as 20 new stealth ships guardian Type 056, while the Chinese gladiatus Navy plans to equip at least 056 Type 40 vessels with a total estimated value of up to $ 8 billion. And these ships are in the process of building and at the Huangpu Shipyard, Hudong-Zhonghua, Wuchang and Dalian.
In particular, the South Sea Fleet is getting more fleet of Navy warships China in recent years, as it shows the determination of China in the maritime territorial disputes with neighboring countries . Also coast region of Northeast Asia as well as a hot spot of the Chinese gladiatus Navy.
For the largest part of China in Northeast gladiatus Asia is still Japan. although in terms of size on Sea Defense Forces of Japan by Chinese Navy is not Japanese gladiatus but are better equipped and more warlike. Therefore, the Chinese Navy has a different approach in the maritime territorial disputes in Northeast Asia than tough policy in Southeast Asia.
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