Thursday, March 26, 2015

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Mystery Finds Global Warming Human Body Healthy m88 eating Extreme Sports Conspiracies Genetic Technologies Religion Paranormal Halloween Outer Space 2014 Clone FB Twitter m88 RSS Newsletter
A very rare astronomical phenomenon, conjunction of three of the Galilean moons of Jupiter - Io, Callisto and Europa - was surprised by NASA using photographs taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, inform
The phenomenon took place on January 24. On that day, the planet Jupiter astronomy enthusiasts offered a very rare: simultaneous passage right through them three of the largest of its satellites, Hubble photographed. This event occurs only once or at most twice in a decade, says NASA website.
Jupiter has 67 known moons, four of which are called "Galilean satellites" - the largest of its moons, discovered by Galileo Galilei: Ganymede, Io, Callisto and Europa. The three latter are those that appear in images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.
In the first image appear Callisto and Io, as their shadows left on the surface of Jupiter. There is a huge distance between Callisto and shadow due to more distant orbit of the satellite. In the first image, m88 astronomers can only guess arrival in the same plane of the satellite Europe, announced its shadow coming in left photo.
In the second photo, taken after 42 minutes, the three satellites are present in the same plane. Callisto, tan, traveling a slow orbit, apparently not moved out of place. Instead, Io, orange, much faster, m88 is already on the way out of the field of view captured m88 by Hubble. Satellite Europe in ivory hues, he appeared in the picture.
NASA has released a spectacular image that allows us to see the cosmos in awesome colors. > Read more NASA invites the public to choose the most spectacular photo of the Moon (Gallery)
NASA has published five photographs of the lunar surface and invited internet users to choose the most spectacular of them, to be used as a background to the home page of a website which will be launched to mark the fifth anniversary of the probe Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). > Read more An image from "Lord of the Rings"? No photo of the famous astronomical space telescope
The image made by the Hubble Space Telescope, somewhat reminiscent of the terrible "Eye of Sauron" is, in reality, a planetary nebula called ESO 456-67, m88 in the constellation Sagittarius, visible in the southern hemisphere skies of Earth. m88 > Read more proud Saturn's rings shine in a new image taken by Cassini (VIDEO)
The latest photo of Saturn, Cassini spacecraft performed illustrates the southern part of the planet and spectacular ring system. > Read more mysterious image on the outskirts m88 of Saturn's rings: are we witnessing a "birth" planet?
Cassini spacecraft, orbiting Saturn jururl has surprised unusual picture: a "patch" shining with brightness 20% higher than the surrounding material. The most tempting his interpretation is that it is about a gravitational distortion caused by a small moon; therefore, the planet would be about "giving birth" of a new moon. > Read more Gift "space" Christmas: A beautiful image of Saturn, the Cassini spacecraft captured
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The man in the picture is called Naoto Matsumura, but all I know as a "defender of animals m88 in Fukushima". > Read more how smart you are? Researchers have found that we age reach their full potential
You develop many skills by the age of 20 years. By the anniversary of 30 years but many of us lose one. Scientists believe that our ability to think on their own and to remember various information decreases with age. A new study has, however, surprising results. & Rsa

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