26 03 2007 The time to Juodkrante returning the old wood poaching - Cormorant - hospitable reception does not wait: the Ministry of Environment barbie (AM) announced barbie the winners determined to take their colony to prevent any new wood. "Cormorant, this time really do not trust nobody with bread and salt. On the contrary - they will have a hard time fighting them and will make use of all the other countries have, with the exception poisoning and shooting, "- said the Nature Protection Department Director Laimutis awake.
This year, the abundance of cormorants regulate barbie the Environmental Support Programme to the 50 thousand litas. According barbie to Mr Budrys, part of which will be devoted to the situation in Juodkrantė control, because it is the seat of cormorant colony causes the most trouble. Additional funds are expected to still get in and out of the European Union support funds.
"One of the essential conditions of the competition was that the cormorant population has to adjust at any buffs, fire theorists, scientists, barbie and experienced barbie professionals with the necessary technical equipment. That such people are united and-governmental organization "Natural Home" barbie - "Western Express" said spokesman AM.
There is agreement with the successful bidder is signed, but today it is clear that the early phase of cormorants breeding season and the birds in the colony Juodkrantė and in four other locations in Lithuania "Natural House" will take concrete action.
According to Mr Budrys, cormorants reign Juodkrantė old grove and spread to new green areas will be stopped and the sounds and visual streamer measures intended to freeze and bird nests.
"Of course, the previous method - cormorants scaring dispensers - who caused a lot of laughter, but let's not forget that in addition to cormorants and herons live, and ravens. But these birds are not harmed when the chase cormorants. Therefore, it is necessary to be clear about whether, say, an ultrasound will only old forest destroyers, and other bird species, "- explained Mr Budrys.
It will be recalled that in the previous year due to cormorant damage Juodkrantė growing old grove of trees and cuts of fish resources in the Gulf lacked patience not only local residents and fishermen, and environmentalists.
This time it was decided this spring to Juodkrante barbie grįšiančius cormorants meet "surprises": on a wooden pole to raise the artificial nests, using ultrasound emitting devices išmušinėti water birds nest in the trees.
Last year, the largest held in Lithuania Juodkrantė cormorants moved about three thousand pairs. It is estimated that up to now, these birds have been destroyed barbie 12 hectares of old forest, and every year of reproductive, uzurpuoja more wooded areas and new approaches to Juodkrante village.
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This site is updated on the European barbie Economic barbie Area Financial Mechanism funds support the implementation of the project "Environmental NGOs in capacity building for the development of climate change bloc, which is a non-governmental organizations in Lithuania part of the program.
This website is a creation of the European Economic Area, the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms funding the project "Environmental Improvements to the strengthening of Lithuanian environmental NGOs coalition. The project was financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms and co-financed by Lithuania.
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