Ambliopia 2-3 in every 100 children (lazy eye) what is seen. Without early detection and treatment of vision problems in young adults emerge as the most common. Even if no complaint from 6 months-1 year, 3-5 years and 7 years of age need routine eye examination in the vicinity. Ambliopia (Amblyopia), referred to as lazy eye vision or visual acuity and single-or double-sided, which is a condition characterized by significant düşüklükl. Seeing eye and brain work is carried out by coordinated. Normally, the images both in the outside world than our eyes come as nerve impulses. For any reason can not be converted to two single-image display of the eye to the brain of an eye reaches weaker warning. Thus it occurs with low vision. Ambliopia anatomically eyes are completely normal.
Ambliopia 2-3 of them is found in every 100 children. Without early detection and treatment of vision problems in young adults globe emerge as the most common. Ambliopia in the selection of business in life, in school and peer relationships, solid eye for any reason, in case of loss affecting psychosocial aspects of child and financially burdensome serious social problem. Therefore, early diagnosis globe is very important. For the purpose of early detection of amblyopia vision screening is done in developed countries in the nursery.
Ambliopia how much treatment if caught early, and soon it will be as successful. So even if there is no complaint from 6 months-1 year, 3-5 years and 7 years of age need routine eye examination in the vicinity. Other than that, if the following symptoms are present from birth, no waiting children's eye specialist (pediatric oftamolog) should be consulted. Strabismus, premature birth, eye whitening, nystagmus globe (eyes flicker)
Diffuse closely to or leer Top of shoulder tilt or chin lift look Eye rubbing, Blink, stretching open An eye squint or close Family in the use of glasses or laziness ambliopia types and what are the reasons? 1 - ambliopia Strabismus: Strabismus develops in the eyes of laziness parallel misaligned eye can not see. Kalındık treatment by taking them to an eye doctor now difficult even corrected and become permanent. Laziness is the reason most squint eyes. 2 - ANISOMETROPIC ambliopia: a review of refractive error is higher than one or both eyes (Eye glasses situations requiring) leads to laziness. 3 - deprivation (deprivation) Ambliopisitozis (droopy eyelid), cataracts, corneal opacities, intraocular bleeding disorders, such as delay in treatment if you develop laziness. Amblyopia, but after the actual discomfort can be treated. 4 - Organic ambliopia: 10% are found, it is difficult to see return. Optic nerve hypoplasia, coloboma (congenital optic nerve is underdeveloped or less developed), occurs in the presence of myelinated nerve fibers. Amblyopia How is it treated? On the basis of Amblyopia treatment of lazy eye or running the strengthening of neural connections with the brain. First, eye examination, glasses supplied if needed. Robust certain period of time with eyes closed and shipped to the lazy eye work. This operation can be realized at home work as CAM (in which case the visual acuity of children and must have a certain age) can be performed. In rare cases in children refractory solid eye closure blurred vision created the pupil is widened, so will dispatch to run a lazy eye drops are administered. Ambliopia treatment of children, families and physicians is a treatment that requires coordination. The best results are taken in the first 4 years of age. Resistance to closure of children aged 4-7, which is a difficult period for the family and children in this age, although the results are quite promising. Previously abandoned at the age of 10 ambliopia today in the light of recent studies of the treatment can be continued until the age of 15.
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