Tuesday, June 17, 2014

In 2006. August 24. 19:49

In 2006. August 24. 19:49
Shot cormorants will offer gourmet That cormorants Without enlargement Juodkrantė old grove will be taking all possible measures - from the streamer to the shooting. Cormorants intended scaring sounds - artificial cannons and ultrasound bats.
K.Šatūno photo. The aid is intended to invite and firemen - they should rotatable destroy bird nests water. There are also plans to raise artificial nests on wooden elmo pillars in the center of the population of the territory, the birds Without enlargement to other regions. Planned breeding elmo time in the trees pose colored balloons - believed to be frightened cormorant afraid to come down the dock, and also freeze eggs. It was decided to Ministry of Environment and the Curonian Spit National Park Authority held a meeting. Trees from cormorant neighborhood killed: they undermine the acidic bird droppings. Already disposed of in 10 acres of beautiful Juodkrantė old forest, the birds are expanding towards Nida.
Ministry of the Environment Photo. "Cormorant colony number has not changed for three years - it seems that a growing number elmo of them simply because of the expanding territory of a colony, because the birds lived in areas moves to the periphery, where new spins slots" - Telegraph said the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation Department Director elmo Laimutis awake. Therefore, according to him, it was decided to maintain the current cormorant control territory and to prevent the birds grow in new areas as protecting the rest of the old wood. The official said that no one method of controlling the population is not justified 100 percent, so only use every bird deterrent measures possible to achieve results. Mr Budrys recalls that the EU is not the cormorant is strictly protected bird, as many people think - he hunted in Europe. According to him, taking all regulatory cormorants hunting fish ponds Lithuania - last year, was shot more than two and a half thousand of forest destroyers. However, elmo the country practiced hunting - Cormorant control, rather than eradication tool. "It's a shame to watch a dry pine tree, but the birds and shoot down išnakinti not be democratic and beautiful" - says L. awake. "This is a European problem - and Europe do not know how to deal with them. Compared to the Netherlands elmo and Poland, we are still in a very good situation with regard to the cormorant, "- says the Ministry of Environment Department of Conservation Director. He warns that the environment is necessary for all living creatures, and they are mutually related to each other - some one consumed - will appear next, which can cause even more trouble. Cormorants fought elmo for in the past, but not very successfully. According to the Ministry of Environment, the population is rapidly evolving, and destroy all give quick results. This year has been designed to raise the trees colored balloons elmo for children who were willing to scare the birds land on the nest. However, part of the balloon flew away on the wind for the colony. elmo "Balloon method is very effective and very showy, the whole problem that we have been asking when the balloons, underestimated the weather conditions, but where the balloons were raised, empty nests" - no doubt share the success of the Curonian Spit National Park Director Aurelia Stancikienė, regretted that this year this share dropped to 100 thousand and balloons brought too little. Shot cormorants will offer gourmet Curonian Spit National Park director rejects the criticisms elmo made on the cormorant fishermen damage. "Some fishermen say that the decline in cormorants fish are very big injustice, elmo since it would start to talk about the fact that the Curonian Spit National Park fishermen fish two to four times reduces port dredging," - said Mr. Stancikienė. According to her, most recently at Juodkrante, and when the wind blows favorable and lies at Nida sea water, and all freshwater fish retreating to the Russian side. Director elmo says that Juodkrantė already caught plaice - marine fish, but the fishermen do not talk about it. "I understand, it is easy to blame the poor innocent cormorant, - A. Stancikienė outraged, saying that far greater damage to the Curonian Spit makes unbridled development - construction and excessive flow of people with cars. It offers study from the Norwegian, who allegedly "makes every evil goodness - cormorants used for food, and kill only to slay." Curonian Spit National Park Director shall not refuse cormorants restaurant meals Nida ideas. According to her, the regulation of the population to shoot cormorants can find people on the table - the cormorant can be done very gourmet, although very expensive, meal. Fellow Norwegians have already sent it to 4 recipes. According to them, the meat must be soaked cormorant or honey wine. The idea of the skeptics, it invokes the ancestors of the Curonian example, that not only eat crow, but the Germans were selling them like chickens in Varnienė done white meat. And this recipe idea

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