Sunday, June 29, 2014

Two news items today about the moon, one on his back, one on his age. I combine it here - youngest

Twice the Moon: on his back and his age | Astro Blogs
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Two news items today about the moon, one on his back, one on his age. I combine it here - youngest daughter from today Avondvierdaagse, so the week of home quick bite to eat quickly to the field cycling, br walking, cycling br back, foot bath, etc ... has arrived. Message 1: the moon and the earth are perhaps 60 million years younger than we first thought. The clue is perhaps br strange at first sight: Gas! In the time of which we speak, more than 4.5 billion years ago, the earth was not solid, so it makes no sense to look for rocks from that time to determine age. The geoscheikundigen Avice Guillaume and Bernard Marty have xenon gas encapsulated br in quartz rocks studied in Australia and South Africa. Exactly what they were looking for was the moment when the moon arose, when the Earth collided with another large object called br Theia - last week was there any news about it. Outcome of the study - published by the pair today at a conference in California - is that weft 60 20 million years took place earlier than they thought. It also has implications for the age of the Earth's atmosphere: br it appears to have occurred 40 million years after the formation of the moon and not 100 million years after. Message 2: Who maps or pictures of the front and back side of the moon looks will see that there is a striking br difference: the front has large 'seas', gray plains of solidified lava with significantly fewer craters, and the back has no oceans .
55 years after the first pictures of the back side of the moon by the Soviet lunar probes is a group of astronomers led by the student Arpita Roy (Penn State University) with a statement and here the collision theory br plays a major role. The moon after the collision br arose from the material of the proto-Earth and Theia was smaller than Earth and therefore cooled faster. The earth was hot after the collision, about 2500 C and the side of the moon that was directed towards the earth cooled more slowly than the back. The result was that the crust was thinner at the front than at the back, and there - at the back - including calcium and aluminum ended up in the crust. When the seas were formed later by large meteorite impacts the back was much more resistant to impact than the front. br And as well as with my feet in a foot bath. Source: Universe Today for No. 1, No. 2 for Universe Today, he again.
I read that post about the lack of 'seas' also already I find the statement that one does not so strong here. Earlier I was reading about the theory that the impact of Theia originally not one, but two moons arose, br said second, much smaller moon eventually the larger moon is paid. In one way or another, I find that a lot more sense.
What amazes me every time in the discussion of Theia again is that there is a lot of philosophizing, but fairly simple calculation is omitted. The moon is moving away annually 3.82 cm of the earth. Previously, when the moon was closer to the earth, this annual removal should have been much bigger. Return Calculating br the moon should have stood. In our atmosphere some 1.2 billion years ago The impact of Theia by most sources shortly after the formation br of the earth, so about 4.6 billion years ago, dated. But nowhere br describes how could continue. Moon still so close to the earth
Furthermore, the moon have had. Proper rotation with respect to the earth after the formation Because of the tidal action of the earth and the moon is stabilized moon relative to the earth. Explanations of the difference in area of the front and back of the moon will be in the period after this stabilization. Therefore found
Finally, the difference in specific gravity of the moon (3.346 g/cm3) with respect to that of the earth (5.52 g/cm3) gets into the Theia declaration little attention. Consists largely of the old moon Theia? That's hard to take when the earth during the impact was still largely liquid. To
You're right: the calculation is not easy for a layman, but to do so.

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