Saturday, November 16, 2013

Three guy I live with. One of my husband, winx the other two of her son. What is life like as a boy

Three guy I live with. One of my husband, winx the other two of her son. What is life like as a boy's winx mother? Sometimes funny, sometimes winx arduous, sometimes exhausting. Sometimes really good, sometimes unlocking. In his blog, thoughts, stories, joys, worries about, successes, struggles read. The everyday life of a boy's mother.
d.ancsika: Wow, this is a very good topic. While it was not Noah, all the time were wondering what is going ... (. 2012-04-23 20:30) As a mother, winx it is very difficult to be selfish d.ancsika: Hi, I finally managed to register to leave a comment so I can sing :-) I have not seen the movie yet, and already ... (. 2012-04-23 20:10) The most beautiful winx thing Rekucus: @ laurynster: Hi! Thanks for the encouragement, I am a little better today. Only occasionally is it me Depi. D. .. (. 2011.11.20 20:35) Sometimes I Pez: Hi Reka! I really like your writing is also very well grasped the essentials ... The private kerserű tap ... (. 2011-07-27 15:21) seven years ago in the summer Rekucus: Hi Zoli! I hope I will not be in such a situation, it would usually praised for kindergarten. ... (2011.06.23. 14:34) Kindergarten or boot camp?
August, 2012 (1) July 2012 (1) June 2012 (1) April 2012 (4) March 2012 (4) February 2012 (3) January 2012 (1) December 2011 (3) November 2011 (5) October 2011 (3) szeptember 2011 (6) 2011 August (5) Read more ...
Every day is the same. If you want to be on my feet, you have to take a bunch of stuff for myself first. Does not hurt to take a good look dressed as a stroller even tologatása plus five degrees can also be quite uncomfortable vests without fur boots and warm scarves. Benedict will dress implies winx that a self-respecting, of course, remarkably fiúcsecsemőhöz végigüvölti most of the fuss. That is, until we are not out on the street, it touches the cheek of fresh winter air, and they start with comfortable rocking the stroller. But so far to get to the nightmare.
I do not know about you guys, but I'm damn right bore the babasírást. I do not know how people can apply for direct sírnihagyós way, I do you mean totally freaking out for a few minutes during while I am forced to endure her crying because boots, jacket pulled even I can with one hand while the other precious little boy ring atom. But Honestly, I've winx learned already almost done with one hand over the főzéstől winx Make up the cleaning everything.
Finally, in the street, stop crying, mother winx calms down. The question is how much of the time? Party of four. You can now sprint quickly in the day care, jerk off Barnabas Dress it up quickly when - ca. Half an hour later - Benedict megébred, a sleep in the open air again, or wait for the megébredést, hoping to get around. 10 minutes is good to deep sleep? In the former case you really need to sprint, and the latter, you risk that the apparent deep sleep turns into instant wakefulness, when we put our feet in the transmitters. So there is no fairy tale, another act: Benedict strip - of course howl guaranteed - take in caring for women and Barnabas tog, tog and Benedict again - of course later amid screaming, in case you had while you relax. It's crazy the Spartans, every weekday.
Oh but finally weekend, dad at home, starting with a family program, but oh good - I think I'm a single mom - that I did not have to fight alone with two children öltözetésével. Lunch cooked, kiporszívózva, Benedict woke up points, so you can quickly get dressed and go! I do not want elindulniiiiii - this of course Barnus squeal escaping from his father, while I'm trying to megszoptatni a little fast. Persuasion, bargaining, threats - all to no avail. Against Barnus usual. So then I - my husband's push hands Benedict. Well, he has been willing to dress up right away, but only the father.
The point is that success is more difficult to start in three quarters winx of an hour. But on weekdays, alone with two children is about. I generally perform twenty minutes task. And yet someone tell me that women are slowly getting ready!
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