Saturday, April 26, 2014

In light of the nature we understand boa mental abilities, spiritual and human perceptual boa belon

KSW 2: What standard God has given us to guide us as to praise and to find satisfaction in Him? - Reformed Church Durres
First, this question-and-answer Short katekizmës of Westminster teaches us the necessity of a standard to guide us in praise of God and finding satisfaction boa in it. Westminster symbol of faith, written by prominent group of Protestant theologians and solid on 1642-1646 says:
"D boa rita of nature and the works of creation and providence discover the goodness, wisdom, and power of God leaving man without excuse; they are not sufficient to provide boa that knowledge about God and His will, necessary for salvation "(Westminster boa I: 1).
In light of the nature we understand boa mental abilities, spiritual and human perceptual boa belonging boa to his nature. Man is born from the creation to a certain extent information about God and his obligations to God. This knowledge stored in the human spirit, which theologians call the Divine seed, make the man (1) a moral being; (2) one being responsive to all its operations; (3) a spiritual being aware of the existence of God and His attributes; (4) a being who knows full well that the obligation to his Creator to worship Him, to live for His glory and to find pleasure in it; (5) a being that if Rebelo against God remains no excuse for guilt and punishment which belongs to him. This recognition of God, s obligations and guilt with which every man is born every man left without excuse before God. Romans 1:19-21 boa says:
"Do not can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, being perceived through his works since the creation of the world are clearly boa seen, that they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they glorified him not as God, nor were thankful, but became vain in their reasonings, and their foolish heart was darkened "(2:14, 1 Cor. 1:21, Heb. 11 : 6 Rom 10:17; works. 4:12, etc.).
With works of providence in government understand that God made all of his creature which, if observed with a mind free from sin-darkened should boa push us to praise boa God and to find our satisfaction in all (Col. 1: 16-17; Heb. 1:3, Matthew 10:29-30, Job 37-38, Ps 104. Ps. 66:7, Dan. 2:21, 4:25; Gen. 50:20; Acts. 3 : 13, etc.). After the fall into sin, the human mind is darkened and not properly read and interpret the information inspiring cosmic but interprets it according to the predispositions that he has towards sin and rebellion. boa This cosmic revelation in theology known as General Revelation. General Revelation, although the man reveals key characteristics of God and leaves it without excuse before Him, it does not contain information on saving that man needs to come from the state in which it is located. Moreover, General Revelation boa in its nature is not arkitekturuar from God to us revealed some valuable insights to prosper. boa The sky and the stars can not reveal the love and mercy of God in Christ; can not reveal to us how God wants to be worshiped and praised by us; can not reveal how we are required to find pleasure in God now and in the world to come. Thus, one needs a special revelation from God. Ve d ante Revelation, the Word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New is the standard given by God to guide us to Christ, the way of salvation, ways of worship, and ways of living. The word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old Testament and New, is the standard which could guide us as to praise and to find satisfaction in Him. Content Standard Divine
"... It pleased God, who at various times and in various ways to reveal Himself and His will to His Church; and then, for the preservation and dissemination of the truth, and the more sure establishment and comfort as well of the Church against the corruption of the flesh, and the wickedness of Satan's world, He left this revelation fully written; which makes it necessary Scripture. Previous ways, by which God revealed himself to the will of His people to His already stopped "(Westminster symbol of: 1).
The reason why God summed up the whole Word of God and "... let this revelation completely written" in the Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New are three: "... (1) to preserve and spread the truth, (2) as and for the more sure establishment and (3) better comfort of the Church against (a) the corruption of the flesh, and (b) the wickedness of Satan (c) world. "After the order of 39 Books

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