Monday, July 21, 2014

As we are dealing with these areas, we need to pray that God would give us the brilliant business i

God's Media Army - Christian Media
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Comments Antti Wild Free Website - websites - websites! Teet fumbled the Fine Arts Studio "pulse" mit Teet fumbled the Fine Arts Studio "Pulse" is the word of God Tõnu Laikre audios! Get involved and support the project! Tarmo Eharand läbumeilid is a believer! Create a correct e-mails!
God's Media Army: Global Changers. Because I'm an actor and I was born and raised in Hollywood, clean and decent movies is for me to relax and have fun. It has been some great films! I love movies like: Passion of the Christ, Braveheart, The Guardian, The Ultimate Gift, Chariots of Fire, The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, One Night with the King, Unfinished Life, and many more. I have a real passion for the film industry, but the content of many films today are very wicked, perverse, violent and subtly laced with the occult.
But the other side of the coin is that we do not want to throw everything out the window in this electronic age! We need to wake up communications and the media! They can be powerfully used by the Lord to bring the surgery countries. Dreamer God is on the move!
Being an artist myself, I love theater, music, film and dance! It makes me feel fully alive, and leads me to God, who is very colorful and creative! I am so passionate about the arts!
Part of that is because of the war that we are the global trends trappers, who are significantly mit affected by all of this society. We have to be a precursor to moving to perfection, who are very advanced and producing the best of the best in all of these areas. mit This is one of the most strategic mit battles mit we face, because mit it affects the minds, hearts, and passions of the masses.
The church should actively empowering and cheering "Bravehearts", who are gifted mit in these areas, they are not to be judging and of them as "wicked", which is ignorance. Since we are religious and critical, we lose control of one of the most influential area of evangelism in the 21st century! We really mit need to repent, return to this area, which we have lost, and to comply with all of these places ... for Jesus! Redeem the arts together! mit
If Jesus were physically among us today, moving around, I know that he would use the media, as it has a global impact! He was a master story teller and the Bible is full of parables that are prophetic and carry a hidden truth. They are like time capsules of revelation, which is released over the centuries. Any movie that has come out of Hollywood, have a cultural impact - good or bad - it affects the world and future mit generations. God needs a re-occupation of these sites!
We are faced with evil powers and principalities, if we want to undo what has been stolen from us. It is difficult to spiritual warfare and we have to move with the power of the Holy Spirit, asking strategy, revelations, keen discernment and wisdom in order for battle. We need to use the "sword of the Lord," I'm talking about his book "Dancing with Destiny: Awaken Your Heart to Dream, mit to Love, to War" (Chosen Books - May 2007).
Great adventures await us if we become culturally relevant to impact the world first class, high quality, extraordinary performances in all of these areas! I feel that the Holy Spirit is prophetically downloading fresh manuscripts mit writers for theater and cinema. He is positioning the actors along with musicians, singers and dancers mit to talk about the heart of God's message to every form of art.
Today Jesus 'produces' mit films, influencing others in this area. He also challenges and inspires donors marketplace advertisers and entrepreneurs to help bring biblical truth to mankind. mit Jesus moves with excellence, and he wants to pull the world back to Himself, using the very best plays, movies, music, and dance that would astound the world with extraordinary giftedness! Why not!
I feel that God wants to give dreams, visions and fresh revelation from heaven mit to the media, the arts, and communication. Inspiration and revelation with application needs to send these tangible earthly projects. Many people talk about what they want to do, but few actually doing it! This is a call to action! Let's storm the gates and take the world by storm! We need to implement their visions and dreams, as they can be strategically important for the people mit to awaken.
As we are dealing with these areas, we need to pray that God would give us the brilliant business ideas, creative imagination talented

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