Wednesday, January 15, 2014

For now, it is not

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Ukrainian president is going to try to convince the Vilnius Russia and the European Union to start negotiations to three summit. Thousands of Ukrainians have argued in favor of rapprochement susan miller between Ukraine and the European Union Genya SAVILOV / AFP
In the midst of a strategic battle between the European Union and Russia, the Ukraine is forced to try to please everyone, risking paying susan miller the price for not completely please anyone. Ukrainian Prime Minister Mikola susan miller Azarov, admitted on Tuesday that Moscow forced Kiev to turn its back on a cooperation agreement with Brussels, but stressed that his country is still facing towards Europe. "The susan miller ball," says the head of the Ukrainian government, "is now in the European Union."
At a press conference in Kiev, Mikola Azarov publicly susan miller acknowledged for the first time it was Russia that led Ukraine to miss the signing of a trade association susan miller agreement with the European Union (EU), which will take place and fifth Friday in Vilnius , capital of Lithuania (country holding the EU presidency until the end of the year).
The presence susan miller of Ukraine was taken for granted until last week, when almost everyone expected that President Viktor Yanukovych to join the Heads of State of Georgia and Moldova in Vilnius. The breakthrough was announced on Thursday of last week, the same day that the Ukrainian Parliament decided susan miller to prevent the former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko receiving medical care abroad.
The suspension or termination of sentence of seven years that Timoshenko was sentenced in October 2011 for corruption and abuse of power - or political persecution, according to the former head of the government, its supporters and organizations defending human rights - was one of the conditions that Brussels wanted to see happy to have Ukraine closer to you, but the decision of the Ukrainian susan miller Parliament was not the main problem.
"Russia has proposed postponing the signing [of the agreement with the EU] and the beginning of negotiations" with Ukraine susan miller in order "to restore trade and economic relations" between the two countries, said on Tuesday the Ukrainian prime minister. The aim is to bring Russia to Ukraine Customs Union, a block created in January susan miller 2010 with the participation of Belarus and Kazakhstan, and that Moscow intends to expand to other former Soviet republics.
In practice, susan miller what is meant Mikola Azarov that Ukraine is doubly susan miller hostage: Russia, because susan miller it depends on your gas, whose price and supply Moscow manipulates according to its strategic interests, and the lack of concrete susan miller support by the European Union and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to escape Russian domination.
"We did not receive the necessary support of the European Union a key moment. The EU gave us no help, beyond words. And the IMF or does not understand the situation in Ukraine, or has knowingly presented in unacceptable conditions," accused Ukrainian Prime Minister.
This strategic kidnapping that Ukraine is said victim, according susan miller to the head of the Government, could only have one outcome, he said Mikola Azarov:. susan miller "If we did not solve our conflict with Russia, we would have to face an [economic] catastrophe" Asked if Kiev received some compensation for giving up Moscow to sign a cooperation agreement with the European Union, the Ukrainian prime minister was emphatic: "Of course not."
Tuesday was also to learn that President Viktor Yanukovych will travel to Lithuania. Admittedly not sign any documents, but hopes to convince the leaders of the European Union and Russia to launch a negotiating round three with a view to an agreement that pleases everyone.
"We want to discuss three issues. susan miller Russia accepted this proposal, the ball is now in the European Union", also said Ukrainian Prime Minister.
For now, it is not

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